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Old 19-05-24, 10:37   #1
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Default TEN – Creating your own WAD2 file

Made using Tomb Editor 1.7.1. pack (including Tomb Engine 1.4.)
Last update to TE/TEN: -

There are Moveable and Static objects (Lara, creatures, statues, furniture, effect emitters etc.) and sprites in the level.
If you would like to know that how the proper objects will be there in the Tomb Engine level you are currently building, then this is your tutorial.


1. What is a WAD2 file?
2. TEN-compatible objects
3. Getting an item file to attach
4. Changing the contents of your item files
5. Multiple item file attachments
6. Moveable object slots in TEN WAD2 files
7. Identifying the proper objects


  • As the title says, it is “only” a Tomb Engine (TEN) tutorial. Many aspects you need to know for this tutorial are specific Tomb Editor (TE), WadTool etc. features.
    So non-TEN features are only referred now, if it is necessary. And as much as I found it necessary. You need to also meet these features in other tutorials, for further details about them.
  • Some related TEN features are only mentioned, but not discussed in this tutorial, because they belong better to (an)other tutorial(s).
    Find another info source or be patient till those other tutorials are made.
  • This tutorial is not about a detailed manual to use WadTool. So now you won't learn eg. how to edit animations. And this tutorial does not tell you detailed object setups either.
    No, this tutorial only tells that which object slots are available for TEN levels, and what you need to do when you want them to be available for your specific level.
  • Some options or commands can be executed in several ways. I may not introduce all of the ways in the tutorial.

Last edited by AkyV; 08-06-24 at 09:04.
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Old 19-05-24, 10:58   #2
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1. What is a WAD2 file?

An item file contains some Moveable objects and/or some Static objects and/or some sprites, which will be used in a level.
If you built previously with TRLE/NGLE, then now you say: "yes, what you call an item file is a WAD file, I edited them with WadMerger program". It is still true for TEN. I mean, you can edit WAD files with WadMerger, whose objects will be used in a TEN level.
However, WAD files and WadMerger are not preferred - however, still supported - for TEN (or for any engines used with TE):
  • Tomb Editor pack has its own formula for an item file, which will be saved with WAD2 extension, instead of WAD extension.
  • In Tomb Editor pack there is a side program, called WadTool (WT), to edit WAD2 item files, instead of using WadMerger.
There are some reason for this change. One of them is when you edit a WAD2 by WT, that will give you numerous features (eg. UV-mapping), which are not available when you edit a WAD by WadMerger.
Another one is WT is not buggy, unlike WadMerger.

However, WAD2 formula is useable only for levels made by TE.


Don't be disturbed: TE pack often calls both WAD and WAD2 formats simply WAD.

Last edited by AkyV; 08-06-24 at 09:09.
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Old 19-05-24, 11:16   #3
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2. TEN-compatible objects

When I say WAD2 files are preferred for TE/TEN, and WAD files are only supported, then you can find out that using a WAD file in TE/TEN gives you only limited possibilities.
But it is also true for WAD2 files. I mean, there can be differences even between two WAD2 files, in this meaning.
I mean, you can't use WAD2 files of other engines fully for TEN, only with some limitations. So if you want WAD2 to work in your TEN level without any problem, then you must be sure that this WAD2 is optimized for TEN. (Later in this tutorial we will discuss how to choose the proper engine version to a WAD2 file.)

Let's see for example Lara herself. Lara object has been modified a bit, even comparing her to the most advanced legacy Lara, who is naturally TR5 Lara. So TEN Lara is the best Lara, because for example she will use not only all the well-known TR4 and TR5 animations, but even numerous other animations as well, added by TEN developers to her. (But this modification is not only about the number of animations.)
So if you used any legacy Lara for TEN, then she would not work there as nicely as it should.

On the other hand there are object types, which are so simple that there can't be anything in their behaviors which can be optimized for TEN, because they cannot be made to behave better than initially.
Naturally I talk about mostly simple objects like Statics.

So TEN-compatible objects are:
  • objects/sprites with a TEN-specific behavior, or
  • other objects, which don't need to have a TEN-specific behavior: mostly Statics.
Which means these item files are useable to your TEN level:
  • Any WAD2 file, with TEN engine version. The file could contain not only TEN-specific objects, but even other TEN-compatible Static, Animating etc. objects and sprites.
  • Any WAD2 file, with another engine version but TEN. The file could contain only TEN-compatible objects which are not TEN-specific: like Statics etc.
  • Any WAD file. (Which is surely not optimized for TEN.) The file could contain only TEN-compatible objects which are not TEN-specific: like Statics etc.
Any other objects/sprites in non-TEN WAD2 files or WAD files are unnecessary, because you can't use them in your TEN level. (It won't ruin your game if you do not remove them from this item file, though.)

So, as you can see, you can use WAD, non-TEN WAD2 and TEN WAD2 item files for your TEN level. (Even if the first two is very limited.)


Many Animating objects are as simple as Statics. However, I won't mention them amongst the simple, TEN-compatible objects, if the engine for the item file is not TEN.
Why? Here is the explanation:
  • We can't forget that different engines have different slot structures. So eg. if a Moveable slot with slot ID 15 has A object name in Engine X, then the same slot ID has B object name in Engine Y.
    So eg. the object with ID 90 is a BAT in a TR4 level, but it is a VEHICLE_SMASHABLE_FLOOR in a TEN level.
    Which means eg. that an ANIMATING object in a non-TEN WAD2 probably will not be presented as an ANIMATING object, if you use this WAD2 for a TEN level.
  • Well-known Static names like FURNITURE, ROCK, ARCHITECTURE etc. were not important even in TR4. That is why TEN handles Static names in a very easy way:
    The name is based on the object ID. Eg. the Static in the slot with ID46 will have the Static #46 name. (Except in the interval from ID50 to 59, which will be always named as SHATTER in TEN.)
    Eg. ARCHITECTURE7 Static object of a TR4 WAD file is at slot ID37, so its name will be a nicely useable Static #37 in a TEN level.

Last edited by AkyV; 08-06-24 at 09:22.
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Old 19-05-24, 11:16   #4
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3. Getting an item file to attach

So you can get a WAD, a non-TEN WAD2 or a WAD2 attached to your TEN level.
But before you attach them, then naturally they have to exist:
  • you cut/paste an existing item file for your level, or
  • you copy/paste an existing item file for your level (if you want to keep the original file for its original purpose), or
  • you freshly create an item file with WT (WAD2) or WadMerger (WAD).
Naturally in this tutorial it is not a priority to discuss that how to get a WAD or a non-TEN WAD2 file for your level.
But now we discuss that how you can get a TEN WAD2 for your TEN level - or, at least that how you can check it is a WAD2 for TEN (and not for another engine):
  • Use "New Wad2" function in WT. In the little window popped up choose the required TEN engine as Game version. In the left (Destination) big window there will be created some brand new contents for this file, from scratch. - The contents mean naturally only Moveable, Static and Sprite object group names now, because the file is still totally empty, not having any object or sprite.
    Then use "Save Wad2 as…" or "Save Wad2" function to create a WAD2 file, having these minimal contents, for TEN engine.
  • Use "Open destination" function in WT. In the window opening up choose an existing WAD2 file. In the left (Destination) big window the contents of the file shows up.
    However, you must be sure that it is a WAD2 file for TEN engine, and not for another engine. (In the top of Destination window, you can also see or choose the game version, but if it is not a file you made/edited, then you can't be 100 % sure that the proper version is chosen there, when you examine that value.)

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  • Use "Open destination" function in WT. In the window opening up choose:

    • an existing WAD file, or
    • an existing non-TEN WAD2 file, or
    • an existing legacy level file: PHD, TR2, TR4, TRC.

    Now in the left (Destination) big window:

    • the contents of this WAD, WAD2 file shows up, or
    • the contents of the WAD, WAD2 file that belongs to that level shows up,

    This file now has to be converted into a TEN WAD2. Use "Convert wad to TombEngine" function in WT now to save the contents of this WAD/non-TEN WAD2 in a new, TEN WAD2 file.
    As I said above, the WAD2 we really want now is optimized for TEN, which is seemingly available by this conversion. So the conversion rearranges the slot structure of the file and the animation structure of some objects in it, including some other things.
PRJ2 level map files are usually saved in Levels folder of the project main folder, in its own subfolder of Levels folder.
If you want to attach any WAD/WAD2 item file to your TEN level, then I suggest first creating a sub-subfolder for it in the subfolder of that level. (Using more than one item file for a level, naturally each should have its own sub-subfolder.)

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The question is that which files should be saved/pasted in the folder of the item file? Because not always only the item file itself. - Read this list, and you will understand:
  • When you have a look at graphics\wads folder of a TRLE folder (which is a potential source of WAD files), then you realize that several other side files belong to a WAD file (i.e. having the same name):

    • Files created when you create/overwrite a WAD file (by WadMerger):

      • WAS extension: in fact, it is a simple Notepad file, listing the object names presented in that WAD. (TE doesn't need them any more, do not copy.)
      • SAM and SFX extensions: used for the own sound catalog of the WAD. (TE usually doesn't need them, only if this catalog is used - which is not obvious everyway when you use this WAD. Copy only when you need that catalog - we don't discuss it now, it is not a sound tutorial. However, usually feel free to skip using them.)
      • SWD extension: sprites are saved here for the WAD. (TE needs them, otherwise the game will crash if a sprite here is just being used. However, I don't think that WADs for TEN need any sprites - see the previous chapter why -, so you can skip copying it now.)

    • Files for converting a TRLE/NGLE level map into a playable level (so TE doesn't need them any more, don't copy them):

      • TOM extension: saved in TRLE/NGLE. The level converter used this file to create the playable level file.
      • TXT extension: after all, only a textual information about objects being placed on how many places in a level. It was created automatically when the TOM was saved.
      • CD extension: a textual list about where audio triggers being placed in the map. It was created automatically when the TOM was saved.

    • Other files (TE doesn't need them either, don't copy them):

      • LAR extension: well, in fact, you did not need them even when editing with TRLE/NGLE.
      • RAW extension: for the specific sky graphics of the level made with this WAD.
        TE does not use sky graphics any more as a WAD side file, but in another way. And they can have even other extensions now, not only RAW.

  • If you create (save) a non-TEN WAD2, then you will realize that only one side file was created in the folder where the WAD2 has just been saved: a file with XML extension.
    This XML is its own sound catalog of this WAD2. However, you don't need to use this catalog everyway, when the level uses this WAD2. (As I said above at SAM/SFX catalogs: feel free to skip it now.)
  • When this WAD2 is a TEN WAD2, then there won't be side files created at all, when you create (save) this WAD2.
    I.e. when you use a TEN-specific WAD2 file for your TEN level, then you don't need to look for side files, only the WAD2 itself is what you need.
So WAD/WAD2 files - and their side files, if they exist - should be placed in a folder wherefrom you'll attach them to a level.

There are some methods to attach a WAD/WAD2 file to a level, like selecting dropdown Items\Add wad menu in TE, or dragging and dropping the file anywhere on TE GUI. Etc.


  • Don't choose a TR5 WAD to load into WT, because bad slot IDs/names will be added to the objects.
    Instead, load a TRC level file (of TR5 engine), which will load the object slot names of its WAD file properly.
  • There is an initial WAD2 for TEN beginners. You can read about it here.

Last edited by AkyV; 08-06-24 at 11:42.
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Old 19-05-24, 11:17   #5
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4. Changing the contents of your item files

Your freshly created item file is empty.
Or, if it is not a fresh file, already having some objects/sprites in it, these contents are probably not the contents you'd like to have in that file.
So you will refresh the contents of a WAD/WAD2 item file, to have the proper objects/sprites there:
  • adding objects/sprites to that, and/or
  • removing objects/sprites from that, and/or
  • editing objects/sprites already being there in the file.
We won't discuss these procedures now, because it is not a WT (or a WadMerger) tutorial.
However, naturally you can change the contents either before attaching it to a TEN level, or even after that.

Don't forget to save the changes in WT. (And don't forget to check in TE that the file has been refreshed there automatically, if it is already attached.)

Based on what I already told in this tutorial, you could find out which are the required contents in an item file for a TEN level: just see above the part about TEN-specific/compatible objects in WAD/WAD2 files.
Which means:
  • Do not place a non-TEN-compatible object in any WAD/WAD2. Or, if that object is already there in it, then you should remove it from the file.
  • Do not place a TEN-compatible object in a WAD or a non-TEN WAD2, if the object has some TEN-specific behavior. Or, if that object is already there in it, then you should remove it from the file.
However, as I also said, unnecessary objects in an item file shouldn't ruin your game. (At least, if you don't use them placed in the level.)

Last edited by AkyV; 08-06-24 at 09:43.
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Old 19-05-24, 11:17   #6
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5. Multiple item file attachments

In TE, you are allowed to attach even more than one item files to a level.
In that case, in the level you can have even a mixed collection of item file types: having TEN WAD2 files, and/or non-TEN WAD2 files and/or WAD files in these multiple attachments.

When you attached all the WAD/WAD2 files you wanted to attach to this level, then see dropdown Tools\Level Settings menu in TE, on object Object Files page. All of these files are listed in the big window there. ("Game version mismatch" error message for WAD/non-TEN WAD2 files are not important. But only if you don't forget, that you can't use the unnecessary objects here placed in the level.)
Use the arrows aside to arrange the order as the files are following each other in this window.

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Why is the order important? Because if an object with a given name is available in more than one attached WAD/WAD2, then the one can be used in the level which is in the uppermost position in the order.

For example, X, Y and Z item files are attached to the level, in this order. (So X in the uppermost position, Y in the middle position, and Z in the lowest position). We examine how objects having A, B and C names are handled in this situation:
  • "A" object is only in Z file. X file and Y file have no "A" object, so it is easy to understand that "A" will be used from Z file.
  • "B" object is presented both in Y and Z file. TE will use the one from Y file, the one in the Z file will be ignored now.
  • "C" object is presented in all the three files. TE will use the one from X file, the ones in the Y and Z file will be ignored now.
The Items panel is on the middle of TE left side. It is empty initially, but if at least one WAD/WAD2 file is attached to the level, then you will see objects here.
If an object is presented in more than one attached WAD/WAD2 file, then naturally the one will be seeable here which TE will use to the level. Seeing the previous example, in the case of A, B and C objects of X, Y and Z files, you can see here only A of Z file, B of Y file, and C of X file.
In these cases there is a little window at the bottom of the panel to show that the object currently selected on this panel belongs to which file. (If only one of the files has the object with this name, then the little window is empty, because now it is obvious that which file it belongs to.)

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Last edited by AkyV; 08-06-24 at 11:02.
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Old 19-05-24, 11:17   #7
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6. Moveable object slots in TEN WAD2 files

We don't really need to discuss that how you can identify Static slots for a TEN level. I told in Chapter 2 that how easy to get a proper name for a Static object.
But I also told in that chapter that how complicated to compare a Moveable object slot to a Moveable object slot of another engine. - Mostly because a TEN WAD2 file can have even more than one thousand Moveable object slots!

So in this chapter we list all the TEN Moveable object slots, so you will be able to understand TEN object slots nicely.

In advance:
  • See Catalogs folder in Tomb Editor main folder. Here you can find the lists that how TEN slot names are paired to legacy slot names:

    • Some legacy slots are paired directly.
      Eg. CROSSBOW_ITEM legacy slot is also available in TEN.
      (The name can be different, though. For example, the revolver is also known as "sixshooter".)
    • Some legacy slots are paired indirectly.
      Eg. the vulture legacy slot is not available in TEN, as itself. But it can be used in TEN, in EAGLE TEN slot. (So, in a TEN level, you need to decide that EAGLE slot will use an eagle or a vulture.) Naturally it is possible because these objects behave more or less the same way.
      I'll call the vulture and similar indirectly paired objects "fitting slots" below.
    • Some legacy slots are not paired at all. They are probably not planned to be available in TEN, either temporarily or permanently. At most, you will try some workaround.
      Eg. Magnum of TR1 seems one of them.
      I'll call them "not paired" below.


    • Legacy and TEN slot ID numbers do not always match, in the case of having the same name.
    • There are some objects (like the mapper) having completely different looks and tasks, in the same slot name. (A legacy feature, not caused by TEN.)
    • There are some objects (like CORPSE) which have an additional task in one or more than one different setups.
      I'll mention them here only if they don't have some general task as well. (Eg. an ANIMATING13 is naturally mostly used as a general ANIMATING object. It can also be a fake switch in the baboon switch setup, though.)
    • Not only TEN unites different legacy objects in the same slot (see the example with the eagle and the vulture), if they behave similarly. Inside a legacy engine, sometimes it was also done. See eg. the Tiger slot of TR2, which presented not a tiger in some TR2 levels, but either a snow leopard or a white tiger. (But I won't always name all the different looks of an object. I mean only the ones are named which are also named in Catalogs files.)
      Or some objects can be different inside a legacy engine, even if they are the same type. Eg. TR4 CROCODILE is presented in the game with two different looks: one on some levels, and another one on other levels.
    • Some objects - like the crow - is available in more than one legacy engines. Does it mean all of the versions will work nicely in a TEN CROW slot?
      I don't know. At some object slots it is probably right, but at some other slots it is probably wrong. We shall see.
    • There probably will be also some TEN slot names, which are created from scratch, not presented in any legacy games before.
    • We won't examine object setups in this tutorial, so perhaps the object isn't working exactly in the same way in TEN as it did in its legacy game.
    • This list is based mostly only on the info from Catalogs files and browsing some legacy WAD file contents and TEN WAD2 file contents in WT. So I have not made deep tests yet to realize that how these setups work or how much the Catalogs infos are true.
      This also means I have not tested yet that nullmesh objects in the list are really useable objects or just fillers.

  • The undermentioned object slot IDs and names can be identified in WT, they are usually for TEN, otherwise I'll name the legacy engine.
    All TR4 slots are also presented in TRNG (they are all called "TR4"), but some TRNG slots are not presented in TR4 (they are all called "TRNG").
The list:
  • Lara's general and extra animations:

    • (0) LARA: Lara's start position and TR4 (0) LARA animations (0-444, except: 437, 443, marked as "unused": 442), TR5 (0) LARA animations (437, 443, 445-473), new TEN animations (474-568).
    • (1) LARA_EXTRA_ANIMS: TR1 (5) Lara misc animations (6, 9, 10), TR2 (12) Lara misc animations (0, 1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 15), TR3 (13) Lara misc animations (3, 4, 7, 12, 13), TR4 (0) LARA animations (14 [443], 16 [442])

  • Lara's general look (work as usual):

    • (17) LARA_HOLSTERS
    • (30) LARA_EXTRA_MESH2, (37) HAIR: the extra mesh is something new, was unknown in legacy engines for the hair. Probably you need it for some technical reason in TEN.

  • Lara's weapons:

    • (2) PISTOLS_ANIM, (18) LARA_HOLSTERS_PISTOLS, (950) PISTOLS_ITEM, (951) PISTOLS_AMMO_ITEM: pistols are available weapons in all the legacy games.
    • (3) UZI_ANIM, (19) LARA_HOLSTERS_UZIS, (952) UZI_ITEM, (953) UZI_AMMO_ITEM: Uzis are available weapons in all the legacy games.
    • (4) SHOTGUN_ANIM, (954) SHOTGUN_ITEM, (955) SHOTGUN_AMMO1_ITEM, (956) SHOTGUN_AMMO2_ITEM: shotgun is an available weapon in all the legacy games.
    • (5) REVOLVER_ANIM, (20) LARA_HOLSTERS_REVOLVER, (957) REVOLVER_ITEM, (958) REVOLVER_AMMO_ITEM: revolver (also known as "sixshooter") is an available weapon in TR4 and TR5. Desert Eagle of TR3 also fits this slot.
    • (6) CROSSBOW_ANIM, (959) CROSSBOW_ITEM, (960) CROSSBOW_AMMO1_ITEM, (961) CROSSBOW_AMMO2_ITEM, (962) CROSSBOW_AMMO3_ITEM, (963) CROSSBOW_BOLT: crossbow is an available weapon in TR4. Grappling gun of TR5 also fits this slot.
    • (7) HK_ANIM, (964) HK_ITEM, (965) HK_AMMO_ITEM: Heckler & Koch is an available weapon in TR5. M16 of TR2 also fits this slot.
    • (8) GRENADE_ANIM, (966) GRENADE_GUN_ITEM, (967) GRENADE_AMMO1_ITEM, (968) GRENADE_AMMO2_ITEM, (969) GRENADE_AMMO3_ITEM, (970) GRENADE: grenade gun is an available weapon in TR2, TR3 and TR4.
    • (9) ROCKET_ANIM, (971) ROCKET_LAUNCHER_ITEM, (972) ROCKET_LAUNCHER_AMMO_ITEM, (973) ROCKET: rocket launcher is an available weapon in TR3.
    • (10) HARPOON_ANIM, (974) HARPOON_ITEM, (975) HARPOON_AMMO_ITEM, (976) HARPOON: harpoon gun is an available weapon in TR2, TR3 and TRNG.
    • (14) LARA_SCREAM: Lara's snarling head when shooting.
    • (15) LARA_CROSSBOW_LASER, (16) LARA_REVOLVER_LASER, (980) LASERSIGHT_ITEM, (1352) TARGET_GRAPHICS: lasersight on crossbow/revolver.
    • (68) LARA_BIGGUN_ANIM, (69) BIGGUN: the cannon of the airplane in TR3 Crash Site level.
    • (982) SILENCER_ITEM: officially it is a TR5 item, but never was used there.
    • (1027) GUNSHELL, (1028) SHOTGUNSHELL
    • (1029) GUN_FLASH, (1030) GUN_FLASH2: the second one is the spiky gunflare for HK/MP5.

    Magnum of TR1 and MP5 of TR3 are not paired.
  • Lara's additional looks and tools:

    • (11) FLARE_ANIM, (406) CHAFF, (983) FLARE_ITEM, (984) FLARE_INV_ITEM: flares are available for Lara since TR2. (The chaff is only for TR5, I don't know its task.)
    • (21-24) LARA_SPEECH_HEAD1-4: used for cutscenes.
    • (29, 31) LARA_EXTRA_MESH1, 3: extra meshes probably reserved for some future features of Lara.
    • (32-34) LARA_WATER/PETROL/DIRT_MESH, (716-725) different WATERSKIN objects: used when Lara pours water, petrol, dirt. Pouring water should be available even for more than one setups.
    • (35) LARA_CROWBAR_ANIM, (751) CROWBAR_ITEM: crowbar is available for Lara since TR3. (But since TR4, with the well-known mechanism.)
    • (36) LARA_TORCH_ANIM, (752) BURNING_TORCH_ITEM: torch is available for Lara since TR4.
    • (344) MAPPER, (753-755) CLOCKWORK_BEETLE and COMBOs: the mechanical scarab of TR4.
    • (428) MAP, (429) SECRET_MAP: slots for maps in TR4, which were never used there.
    • (750) HAMMER_ITEM: officially it is a TR5 item, but never was used there.
    • (978) SMALLMEDI_ITEM, (979) BIGMEDI_ITEM: for Lara's health.
    • (981) BINOCULARS_ITEM, (1351) BINOCULAR_GRAPHICS: binoculars are available for Lara since TR4.
    • (985) COMPASS_ITEM: only TR4 has a useful compass.
    • (986) DIARY_ITEM, (992) DIARY_OPEN: DIARY_ITEM is a TR4 item, but the diary was never used there with it. It was available only in TRNG, but with another setup. DIARY_OPEN is not a TR4 item, I can't identify it anywhere.
    • (987) TIMEX_ITEM: to show statistics even in the inventory. (Oddly it is not paired to any legacy slot, it is from TR5, though.)
    • (1100-1109) MESHSWAP1-10: these meshswap slots should be engaged not only for Lara. However, based on TR4 setups, she uses them for animations with a hooked stick, a dig, or a detonator. Though, only MESHSWAP1-3 exists in legacy games, only in TR4 and TR5, and I did not examine here TR5 meshswap situations.

  • Lara's vehicles:

    • (50) SNOWMOBILE_LARA_ANIMS, (51) SNOWMOBILE: a TR2 vehicle.
    • (52) QUAD_LARA_ANIMS, (53) QUAD: a TR3 vehicle.
    • (54) SPEEDBOAT_LARA_ANIMS, (55) SPEEDBOAT: a TR2/TRNG vehicle (motorboat).
    • (56) KAYAK_LARA_ANIMS, (57) KAYAK: a TR3/TRNG vehicle.
    • (58) UPV_LARA_ANIMS, (59) UPV: a TR3 vehicle.
    • (60) MINECART_LARA_ANIMS, (61) MINECART, (832) MINECART_SWITCH: a TR3 vehicle. (With a plugin and FLEP, it is also available in TRNG.)
    • (62) JEEP_LARA_ANIMS, (63) JEEP: a TR4 vehicle. (In TEN, a key item is not required to the jeep, works like other vehicles.)
    • (64) MOTORBIKE_LARA_ANIMS, (65) MOTORBIKE: a TR4 vehicle. (In TEN, a nitro item is not required, still not implemented.)
    • (66) RUBBERBOAT_LARA_ANIMS, (67) RUBBERBOAT: a TR3/TRNG vehicle.

  • NPCs:

    • (100) WOLF: a TR1 creature.
    • (101) BEAR: a TR1 creature.
    • (102) APE: a TR1 creature (gorilla).
    • (103) SMALL_SPIDER: a TR2 creature.
    • (104) BIG_SPIDER: a TR2 creature.
    • (105) CROW: a TR2, TR3, TR5 creature.
    • (106) TIGER: a TR2, TR3 creature. (In TR2 the slot sometimes presented snow leopard or white tiger instead.)
    • (107) EAGLE: a TR2 creature. Vulture of TR3 also fits this slot.
    • (108) RAPTOR: a TR1, TR3 creature.
    • (109) TYRANNOSAUR: a TR1, TR2, TR3 creature.
    • (110) COBRA: a TR3 creature. (In TR3 the slot sometimes presented rattlesnake instead.)
    • (111) MONKEY, (1118) MESHSWAP_MONKEY_MEDIPACK, (1119) MESHSWAP_MONKEY_KEY: a TR3 creature.
    • (112) WHALE: a TR3 creature.
    • (113) COMPSOGNATHUS, (1086) CORPSE: a TR3 creature (the mini green dinos).
    • (114) FISH_EMITTER, (1086) CORPSE: emitted TR3, TRNG creatures.
    • (115) RAT: a TR2, TR3 creature.
    • (116) BIG_RAT: a TR1 creature (which means both the on-land and in-water versions in TEN).
    • (117) CROCODILE: a TR1, TR3, TR4 creature (in TR1 case it means both the on-land and in-water versions in TEN).
    • (118) BAT: a TR1, TR4 creature.
    • (119) SPHINX: a TR4 creature.
    • (120) WILD_BOAR: a TR4 creature.
    • (121) HARPY, (1037) ENERGY_BUBBLES: a TR4 creature.
    • (122) BIG_SCORPION: a TR4 creature.
    • (123) SMALL_SCORPION: a TR4 creature.
    • (124) BABOON_NORMAL, (125) BABOON_INV, (126) BABOON_SILENT: three versions of a TR4 creature.
    • (127) LITTLE_BEETLE: emitted TR4 creatures.
    • (128) LOCUSTS, (139) LOCUSTS_EMITTER: emitted TR4 creatures.
    • (129) SHARK: a TR2 creature. (Catalogs tell that HAMMERHEAD of TR4 also fits this slot. But there also is a HAMMERHEAD TEN slot...)
    • (130) HUSKIE: a TR3 creature (the dog from Antarctica). Dog (not the doberman) of TR5 also fits this slot.
    • (131) DOG: a TR3, TR4 creature (in TR3 case not the dog from Antarctica).
    • (132) BATS_EMITTER: emitted TR5 creatures.
    • (133) RATS_EMITTER: emitted TR5 creatures.
    • (134) SPIDERS_EMITTER: emitted TR5 creatures.
    • (135) LION, (1100) MESHSWAP1: a TR1, TR5 creature (in TR1 case it means both the male and female versions in TEN). Panther of TR1 also fits this slot.
    • (136) DOBERMAN: a TR2, TR5 creature.
    • (137) HAMMERHEAD: a TR4 creature.
    • (138) CROCODILE_GOD, (1037) ENERGY_BUBBLES: a TR4 creature ("MUTANT").
    • (150) SCUBA_HARPOON, (151) SCUBA_DIVER: a TR2, TR3, TRNG creature (the TRNG one is based on the TR3 one).
    • (152) GOON_SILENCER1: a TR2 creature ("Masked goon (white mask, jacket)").
    • (153) GOON_SILENCER2: a TR2 creature ("Masked goon (white mask, vest)").
    • (154) GOON_SILENCER3: a TR2 creature ("Masked goon (black mask)").
    • (155) BARRACUDA: a TR2 creature. (In TR2 the slot sometimes presented Whiskered Fish instead.) Yellow and black moray eels of TR2 also fit this slot.
    • (156) WORKER_SHOTGUN: a TR2 creature ("Gun-wielding rig worker (khaki pants)").
    • (157) WORKER_MACHINEGUN: a TR2 creature ("Gun-wielding rig worker (blue jeans)").
    • (158) WORKER_DUAL_REVOLVER: a TR2 creature ("Shotgun goon").
    • (159) WORKER_FLAMETHROWER: a TR2 creature ("Flamethrower-wielding goon").
    • (160) MONK1: a TR2 creature ("Monk with long stick").
    • (161) MONK2: a TR2 creature ("Monk with knife-end stick").
    • (162) KNIFETHROWER, (163) KNIFETHROWER_KNIFE: a TR2 creature. (For some reason, the spark emitter of TR2 is also named as KNIFETHROWER_KNIFE TEN slot.)
    • (164) MERCENARY_UZI: a TR2 creature ("Mercenary").
    • (165) MERCENARY_AUTOPISTOLS1: a TR2 creature ("Mercenary (black ski mask, gray jacket)").
    • (166) MERCENARY_AUTOPISTOLS2: a TR2 creature ("Mercenary (black ski mask, brown jacket)").
    • (167) SNOWMOBILE_GUN, (168) SNOWMOBILE_DRIVER: a TR2 creature.
    • (169) FLAMETHROWER_BADDY: a TR3 creature.
    • (170) TRIBESMAN_WITH_AX: a TR3 creature.
    • (171) TRIBESMAN_WITH_DARTS: a TR3 creature.
    • (172) MP_WITH_STICK: a TR3 creature. Stick-wielding goon, "stick-wielding goon (can't climb)" of TR2 and dam guard, "damned" stick-wielding goon of TR3 also fit this slot.
    • (173) MP_WITH_GUN: a TR3 creature. RX-Tech guy in red jacket, London guard of TR3 also fit this slot.
    • (174) BADDY1, (1110) MESHSWAP_BADDY1 : a TR4 creature.
    • (175) BADDY2, (1111) MESHSWAP_BADDY2: a TR4 creature.
    • (176) SAS_CAIRO: a TR4 creature (SAS). RX-Tech guy with gun, London goon, MP with sighted gun and night sight of TR3 also fit this slot.
    • (177) SAS_DYING, (178) SAS_CAPTAIN: TR4 slots obviously related to SAS_CAIRO creature, but they were not used in TR4 levels.
    • (180) GUIDE, (1101) MESHSWAP2: a TR4 creature.
    • (181) VON_CROY, (1100) MESHSWAP1: a TR4 creature.
    • (182) TROOPS: a TR4 creature. Mercenary (Crash Site soldier) of TR3 also fits this slot.
    • (183) SAS: officially a TR5 creature (Guard1), but I can't identify it in that game.
    • (184) SWAT: a TR5 creature (Guard2).
    • (185) SWAT_PLUS: a TR5 creature (Guard3).
    • (186) GUARD1: a TR5 creature (Guard4).
    • (187) GUARD_LASER: a TR5 creature (Guard laser).
    • (188) LARSON: a TR1, TR5 creature.
    • (189) PIERRE: a TR1, TR5 creature.
    • (190) MAFIA: a TR5 creature (Armed baddy 1).
    • (191) MAFIA2, (1113) MESHSWAP_MAFIA2: a TR5 creature (Armed baddy2).
    • (192) GUARD2: a TR5 creature (Guard6).
    • (193) GUARD3: officially a TR5 creature (Guard5), but I can't identify it in that game.
    • (194) GLADIATOR: a TR5 creature.
    • (195) CYBORG, (1115) MESHSWAP_HITMAN: a TR5 creature.
    • (196) SNIPER: a TR5 creature (M16 guard).
    • (197) CHEF: a TR5 creature.
    • (219) KOLD: a TR1 creature (Mr.T).
    • (220) WINGED_MUMMY, (227) PROJ_SHARD, (228) PROJ_BOMB: a TR1 creature.
    • (221) CENTAUR_MUTANT, (227) PROJ_SHARD, (228) PROJ_BOMB: a TR1 creature.
    • (222) DOPPELGANGER, (1085) DOPPLEGANGER_ORIGIN: a TR1 creature.
    • (223) NATLA, (227) PROJ_SHARD, (228) PROJ_BOMB: a TR1 creature (winged).
    • (225) GIANT_MUTANT: a TR1 creature.
    • (229) YETI: a TR2 creature.
    • (230) BIRDMONSTER: a TR2 creature.
    • (231) MARCO_BARTOLI, (232-235) DRAGON_FRONT/BACK+DRAGON_BONE_FRONT/BACK, (236-238) SPHERE_OF_DOOM /2/3: a TR2 creature.
    • (239) COWBOY: a TR1 creature.
    • (240) SPEAR_GUARDIAN, (241) SPEAR_GUARDIAN_STATUE: a TR2 creature.
    • (242) SWORD_GUARDIAN, (243) SWORD_GUARDIAN_STATUE: a TR2 creature.
    • (244) SHIVA, (245) SHIVA_STATUE: a TR3 creature.
    • (246) WILLARD: a TR3 creature (as the spider monster).
    • (247) CIVVY: a TR3 creature (prisoner).
    • (248) MUTANT2: I can't identify this creature anywhere. Probably a TR3 one.
    • (249) LIZARD: a TR3 creature.
    • (250) TONY_BOSS, (251) TONY_BOSS_FLAME: a TR3 creature. (The flame object seems logical in this setup. However, I can't identify it anywhere.)
    • (252) PUNA_BOSS, (290) BOSS_SHIELD, (291) BOSS_EXPLOSION_SHOCKWAVE: a TR3 creature.
    • (254) LASER_BOLT: I can't identify which creature uses this effect.
    • (255) SKELETON: a TR4 creature.
    • (256) MUMMY: a TR1, TR4 creature.
    • (257) ENEMY_JEEP: a TR4 creature.
    • (258) HORSE, (259) HORSEMAN: a TR4 creature.
    • (260) DEMIGOD1: a TR4 creature.
    • (261) DEMIGOD2, (1037) ENERGY_BUBBLES: a TR4 creature.
    • (262) DEMIGOD3, (1037) ENERGY_BUBBLES: a TR4 creature.
    • (263) SETHA, (1037) ENERGY_BUBBLES: a TR4 creature.
    • (264) KNIGHT_TEMPLAR: a TR4 creature.
    • (265) AHMET: a TR4 creature.
    • (266) BIG_BEETLE: a TR4 creature.
    • (267) JEAN-YVES: a TR4 creature.
    • (268) WRAITH1: a TR4 creature.
    • (269) WRAITH2: a TR4 creature.
    • (270) WRAITH3, (1087) WRAITH_TRAP: a TR4 creature.
    • (271) WRAITH4: an unused TR4 creature slot.
    • (272) LARA_DOUBLE: a TR4 creature (kind of...).
    • (274) HYDRA, (1025) BUBBLES: a TRNG, TR5 creature.
    • (275) LASERHEAD, (1328) LASERHEAD_BASE, (1329) LASERHEAD_TENTACLE: a TRNG, TR5 creature.
    • (276) SCIENTIST: a TR5 creature.
    • (277) MERCENARY: I can't identify this creature anywhere. Probably a TR5 one.
    • (278) WILLOWISP: I can't identify this creature anywhere. Probably a TR5 one.
    • (279) INVISIBLE_GHOST: a TR5 creature.
    • (280) REAPER: a TR5 creature (seems unused there, though...).
    • (281) BROWN_BEAST: a TR5 creature.
    • (282) ATTACK_SUB, (405) TORPEDO: a TRNG, TR5 creature.
    • (283) IMP, (284) IMP_ROCK, (1025) BUBBLES, (1114) MESHSWAP_IMP: a TR5 creature.
    • (285) GUNSHIP: a TR5 creature (helicopter).
    • (287) ROMAN_GOD1, (1116) MESHSWAP_ROMAN_GOD1: a TR5 creature.
    • (288) ROMAN_GOD2, (1025) BUBBLES, (1117) MESHSWAP_ROMAN_GOD1: a TR5 creature.
    • (289) LAGOON_WITCH: a TR5 creature.
    • (292) BOSS_EXPLOSION_RING: I can't identify which creature uses this effect.
    • (293) CLAW_MUTANT: a TR3 creature (Tinnos monster).
    • (294) WASP_MUTANT: a TR3 creature.
    • (296) SKATEBOARD, (297) SKATEBOARD_KID: a TR1 creature.
    • (298) WINSTON, (1120) MESHSWAP_WINSTON_ARMY_OUTFIT: a TR2, TR3 creature.
    • (1039) BUTTERFLY: an unused TR4 creature.

  • Pushable-pullable objects:

    • (179) SAS_DRAG_BLOKE: a special one from TR4.
    • (393-402) PUSHABLE_OBJECT1-10: engaged for non-cube (i.e. non-climbable) objects.
    • (435-444) PUSHABLE_OBJECT_CLIMBABLE1-10: engaged for cube (i.e. climbable) objects.

  • Traps:

    • (286) AUTO_GUN: a TR5 trap.
    • (295) TWIN_AUTO_GUN: a TR3 trap.
    • (321) ROLLING_SPINDLE: a TR2, TR3 trap.
    • (322) DISK_SHOOTER, (323) DISK: a TR2 trap.
    • (324) WALL_MOUNTED_BLADE: a TR2 trap. Also available in TR3, even in these forms: Heavy swinging thing (remember Lud's Gate), Drill bit, Swinging brazier.
    • (325) STATUE_WITH_BLADE: a TR2 trap.
    • (326) COG: a TR4 trap.
    • (327) SPIKEBALL: a TR4 trap. Also available in TR2, even in these forms: swinging sandbag, swinging box.
    • (328) FLOOR_4BLADES: a TR4 trap.
    • (329) CEILING_4BLADES: a TR4 trap.
    • (330) CATWALK_BLADE: a TR4 trap.
    • (331) SETH_BLADE: a TR4 trap.
    • (332) PLINTH_BLADE: a TR4 trap.
    • (333) SLICER_DICER: a TR4 trap.
    • (334) BIRD_BLADE: a TR4 trap.
    • (335) CHAIN: a TR4 trap.
    • (336) PLOUGH: a TR4 trap.
    • (337) STARGATE: a TR4 trap.
    • (338) SPIKY_FLOOR: a TR4 trap (being useless there, anyway).
    • (339) SPIKY_WALL: a TR2 trap. Also available in TR3, even in this form: tunnel borer.
    • (340) SPIKY_CEILING: a TR2 trap.
    • (341) TEETH_SPIKES: all the legacy engines have this trap. And also available in these forms: glass shards (TR2), barbed wire (TR3).
    • (342) JOBY_SPIKES: a TR4 trap.
    • (343) SENTRY_GUN: a TR4 trap.
    • (344) MOVING_BLADE: a TR4 trap. Airplane propeller, Power saw of TR2 and Overhead pulley hook of TR2, TR3 also fit this slot.
    • (348) HAMMER: a TR4 trap.
    • (355) MINE: a TR4 trap.
    • (357) ROME_HAMMER: a TR5 trap (the swinging ram).
    • (366) ELECTRICAL_CABLES: a TR5 trap.
    • (368) DARTS, (369) DART_EMITTER, (370) HOMING_DART_EMITTER: a TR1, TR3, TR4, TR5 trap (TR2 had the disk shooter instead). ("Homing" is available in TR4, TR5, not being really effective, though.)
    • (371) FALLING_CEILING: all the legacy engines have this trap. And also available in this form: falling sandbag (TR2). Detachable icicles of TR2 also fits this slot.
    • (372-373) FALLING_BLOCK, 2: a TR4, TR5 trap. Detachable stalactites of TR3 also fits this slot.
    • (374) CRUMBLING_FLOOR (another version for falling blocks, anyway): a TR1, TR2, TR3, TR5 trap (at TR1-TR3 with "collapsible" name). Loose boards of TR2 also fits this slot.
    • (383) ROLLINGBALL: a TR4, TR5 trap.
    • (384) ROLLINGBARREL: a TR5 trap. (But I can't identify it.)
    • (403) WRECKING_BALL: a TR5 trap (the robot arm).
    • (407) ELECTRIC_FENCE: a TR3, TR5 trap.
    • (413) GEN_SLOT1: TR5 has only an empty slot like that. Catalogs say Laser sweeper of TR3 fits this slot properly, but I doubt it would be a working trap ever.
    • (416) GEN_SLOT4: this is also a doubtful laser sweeper-type trap, but this time from TR5.
    • (424-425) SQUISHY_BLOCK1, 2: TR4 traps.
    • (426) LASER_BEAM: Tripwire and Killer tripwire of TR3 are named that fit this slot. (TR4 also has an empty TRIPWIRE slot, anyway.)
    • (433) CLASSIC_ROLLINGBALL (also known as "boulder"): a TR1, TR2, TR3 trap (and also available in TRNG, using a plugin). And also available in this form: barrel (TR3, the spiky one from Tinnos). Multiple boulders/snowballs and Rolling storage drums of TR2 also fit this slot.
    • (434) BIG_ROLLINGBALL: the "giant boulder" of TR3 Puna.
    • (445) TRAIN: a TR3 trap.
    • (446) EXPLOSION: I can't identify this slot.
    • (447) DAMOCLES_SWORD: a TR1 trap (which has two slots for it).
    • (448) ELECTRIC_CLEANER: a TR3 trap.
    • (449) SLAMMING_DOORS: a TR1, TR2, TR3 trap. (For some reason the TR2 one is not paired, though.) And also available in this form: spiked frame (TR3, see the one with the impaled skeleton on Madubu Gorge).
    • (450) SWINGING_BLADE: a TR1 trap.
    • (1051) LASER_BARRIER: a TR5 trap.
    • (1052) STEAM_LASERS: a TR5 trap.
    • (1053) FLOOR_LASERS: a TR5 trap.

  • Platforms:

    • (320) SPRINGBOARD: a TR2 object ("bounce pad").
    • (387) ONEBLOCK_PLATFORM: a TR4, TR5 object. (Perhaps oneblock platform should be used in twoblock slot, as originally.)
    • (388) TWOBLOCK_PLATFORM: a TR4, TR5 object. (In TRNG also used as a lift.)
    • (389-392) RAISING_BLOCK1-4: a TR4, TR5 object. (They have only two slots for this, though.)
    • (408) LIFT, (880-881) LIFT_DOORS1-2, (1050) LIFT_TELEPORTER: a TR2, TR5 object. (The TR2 one is only one object.)
    • (1340-1345) BRIDGE_FLAT, TILT1-4, CUSTOM: all the legacy engines have flat and tilt1-2. Only TRNG has tilt3-4 and custom.

  • Flames and electric arcs:

    • (320) LIGHTING_CONDUCTOR: a TR4 effect (as "lightning").
    • (358-361) FLAME, FLAME_EMITTER /2/3: different types of flames and electric arcs.
    • (1056) EMBER_EMITTER: lava spitter. Perhaps made from scratch for TEN, because the similar legacy object isn't paired.

  • Ropes and poles:

    • (363) ROPE: a TR4, TR5 object.
    • (365) POLEROPE: a TR4, TR5 object.
    • (404) ZIPLINE_HANDLE: a TR2, TR3 object. Unused DEATH_SLIDE slot of TR4, TR5 can be also useable for this.
    • (409) TIGHT_ROPE: a TRNG, TR5 object.
    • (410) PARALLEL_BARS: a TRNG, TR5 object.

  • Doors and trapdoors:

    • (375-377) TRAPDOOR1-3: a TR2, TR3, TR4, TR5 door type, opening by triggers. (TR1 trapdoors are not paired to here. They are not to open in a manual way, though.)
    • (378-379) FLOOR_TRAPDOOR1-2: a TR1, TR4, TR5 door type, opening manually.
    • (380-381) CEILING_TRAPDOOR1-2: a TR4, TR5 door type, opening manually.
    • (382) SCALING_TRAPDOOR: a TR4, TR5 door type (unused).
    • (412) PORTAL: a TR5 door type, called there "flat window". (The door into the hydras' building.)
    • (430) SETH_DOOR: a TR4 door type (unused).
    • (850-879) DOOR_TYPE1-30: general door types.
    • (882-885) PUSHPULL_DOOR1-4: a TR4, TR5 door type. (They have only two slots for this, though.)
    • (886-889) KICK_DOOR1-4: a TR4, TR5 door type. (They have only two slots for this, though.)
    • (890-893) UNDERWATER_DOOR1-4: a TR4, TR5 door type. (They have only one slot for this, though.)
    • (894-897) DOUBLE_DOORS1-4: a TR4, TR5 door type. (They have only one slot for this, though.)
    • (898) SEQUENCE_DOOR1, (899-901) SEQUENCE_SWITCH1-3: a TR4, TR5 door type.
    • (902) STEEL_DOOR: a TR5 door type (VCI).

  • Key and puzzle pickable items:

    • (432) STATUE_PLINTH: a specific receptacle of TR4.
    • (500-515) PUZZLE_ITEM1-16, (516-547) PUZZLE_ITEM1-16_COMBO1-2, (668-683) PUZZLE_HOLE1-16, (684-699) PUZZLE_DONE1-16
    • (548-563) KEY_ITEM1-16, (564-595) KEY_ITEM1-16_COMBO1-2, (700-715) KEY_HOLE1-16

  • Any other things about pickable items:

    • (417-420) SEARCH_OBJECT1-4: TR5 objects (to search pickable items here).
    • (421) SARCOPHAGUS: a TR4 object (to search pickable items here).
    • (596-611) PICKUP_ITEM1-16, (612-643) PICKUP_ITEM1-16_COMBO1-2. QUEST_ITEM1-6 of TR4 fit PICKUP_ITEM5-10 slots.
    • (644-651) EXAMINE1-8, (652-667) EXAMINE1-8_COMBO1-2
    • (977) GOLDROSE_ITEM: the secret item of TR5.

  • Switches:

    • (800-815) SWITCH_TYPE1-16: general switch types.
    • (816-819) SHOOT_SWITCH1-4: 3 and 4 are named as Shoot switch 1 and 2 in TR5. SWITCH_TYPE7-8 of TR4 are paired to SWITCH_TYPE1-2. Assault-course target of TR3 also fits SHOOT_SWITCH1, and "Raptor hung by rope (fish bait)" and Electrical switch box of TR3 also fits SHOOT_SWITCH2. (TEN also has a CORPSE object to shoot for a bait, though.)
    • (820) AIRLOCK_SWITCH: a TR5 switch type. (It is the valve wheel, also available in TR2, TR3, but they are not paired to this TEN slot, for some reason.)
    • (821-822) UNDERWATER_WALL_SWITCH1-2, (823-824) UNDERWATER_CEILING_SWITCH1-2: all the legacy engines have this switch type. Though, not in so many slots, and only one (wall or ceiling) type per game.
    • (825) TURN_SWITCH: a TR4, TR5 switch type.
    • (826) COG_SWITCH: a TR4, TR5 switch type.
    • (827) LEVER_SWITCH: a TR4, TR5 switch type.
    • (828) JUMP_SWITCH: a TR4, TR5 switch type.
    • (829) CROWBAR_SWITCH: a TR4, TR5 switch type.
    • (830) PULLEY: a TR4, TR5 switch type. (The pulley wheel of TR3 Coastal Village is paired to a general switch type slot.)
    • (831) CROWDOVE_SWITCH: a TR5 switch type.

  • Other interactive objects:

    • (346) ELEMENT_PUZZLE: a TR4 object.
    • (356) SCALES: a TR4 object.
    • (362) BURNING_ROOTS: a TR5 object.
    • (364) FIREROPE: a TR4, TR5 object.
    • (362) BURNING_FLOOR: a TR4 object.
    • (427) MINE_DETECTOR: a TR4 object. (An empty slot there. However, using a mine detector is an available setup in TEN.)

  • Other effect objects:

    • (412) GEN_SLOT2: a TR5 object. (Gas emitter. Due to "gen" tag I doubt it will be a working effect ever.)
    • (903) GOD_HEAD: a TR4, TR5 effect.
    • (1020-1022): SMOKE_EMITTER (WHITE/BLACK/-): white and black are TR4, TR5 effects. The third one is made directly for TEN.
    • (1024) EARTHQUAKE: a TR1, TR3, TR4, TR5 effect.
    • (1026) WATERFALLMIST: all the legacy engines have this effect.
    • (1031-1035) COLOR_LIGHT, BLINKING_LIGHT, PULSE_LIGHT, STROBE_LIGHT, ELECTRICAL_LIGHT: different light effects, available in different forms in TR3, TR4, TR5. TRNG and TEN also enhanced them.
    • (1036) LENSFLARE: a TR4, TR5 effect.
    • (1038) PLANET_EFFECT: a TR4 effect.
    • (1076-1081) WATERFALL1-6: a TR4 (three slots), TR5 (four slots) effect. Tinnos light shaft of TR3 also fits this slot.
    • (1082-1083) WATERFALLS1-2: a TR5 effect. (As Waterfall 5 and 6. 6 is empty.)

  • Inventory-specific items:

    • (988-989) MEMCARD_LOAD/SAVE_INV_ITEM: used for TR4.
    • (990-991) PC_LOAD/SAVE_INV_ITEM: used for TR5.

  • AI objects:

    • (1040-1047): AI_GUARD/AMBUSH/PATROL1/MODIFY/FOLLOW/PATROL2/X1/X2: TR3, TR4, TR5 objects.

  • Other Moveable objects and nullmeshes for special purposes:

    • (349) OBELISK: a TR4 object.
    • (350) WHEEL_OF_FORTUNE, (351-353) GAME PIECE1-3, (422) ENEMY_PIECE: objects of a specific TR4 setup.
    • (411) XRAY_CONTROLLER: a TR5 object.
    • (1048) LARA_START_POS: a TR2, TR4, TR5 object.
    • (1049) TELEPORTER: a TR5 object.
    • (1054) KILL_ALL_TRIGGERS: a TR3, TR4, TR5 object. (I found it useless, at least in TR4 surely.)
    • (1055) TRIGGER_TRIGGERER: a TR4, TR5 object.
    • (1074) BODY_PART: a TR4, TR5 object (empty).
    • (1075) CAMERA_TARGET: all the legacy engines have this object.
    • (1084) FISHTANK: I can't identify this slot.

  • Animatings and similar Moveable objects:

    • (144) MAPPER: a TR4 object.
    • (354) RAISING_COG: a TR5 object.
    • (385) PROPELLER_H: a TR5 object.
    • (386) PROPELLER_V: a TR5 object.
    • (415) GEN_SLOT3: a TR5 object.
    • (431) HORUS_STATUE: a TR4 object.
    • (1056) HIGH_OBJECT: a TR5 object (in two slots there).
    • (1200-1327) ANIMATING1-128: TR3 (1-6), TR4 (1-16), TR5 (1-16) objects.
      TEN also pairs some non-Animating legacy slots to specific Animating TEN slots. (Though, sometimes I don't understand why.) However, the IDs in the names of Animating slots aren't important (i.e. you can use these legacy objects in any Animating TEN slot), because all the Animating slots have the same "no specific at all" properties. So now I only list these legacy slots, not mentioning the Animating TEN ID number:

      • TR1:
        Lara misc animations, Lightning ball / Some kind of box?, Movable tall block, (74-76) Cogs (animated), Cutscene Object 1-4, Natla's logo, Save crystal, Direction keys, Flashlight, Scion Holder, Centaur statue, Shack suspended from wire rope, Mutant egg and holder (normal size), Motorboat.
      • TR2:
        Gondola (Venetian boat), Big bowl (Ice Palace), Air fan, Cutscene Object 1-14, Singing birds, Bartoli's Hideout clock, Aquatic Mine (Venice), Gong (Ice Palace), Detonator box, Helicopter (Diving Area), Shotgun animation (Home Sweet Home).
      • TR3:
        Crawler mutant in closet, Cutscene Object 1-9, Fire-breathing dragon statue.
      • TR4:
      • TR5:
        Gas fire, Animating 1-16_mip.

  • General object swaps:

    • (25-28) ACTOR1-2_SPEECH_HEAD1-2: for cutscenes.
    • (1100-1109) MESHSWAP1-10

  • Moveable shatters:

    • (90) VEHICLE_SMASHABLE_FLOOR: a TR4 object.
    • (91) VEHICLE_SMASHABLE_WALL: a TR4 object.
    • (1058-1073) SMASH_OBJECT1-16: TR4 (1-8), TR5 (1-8) objects - empty slots, after all, but useable. Breakable window (can shoot out)/(must jump through) of TR2 and Destroyable boarded-up window / wall of TR3 also fit these slots.

  • Unused slots in the 0-1407 interval:
    38-49, 70-89, 92-99, 140-149, 198-218, 224, 226, 273, 299-319, 726-749, 756-799, 833-849, 904-949, 993-999, 1005-1019, 1023, 1088-1099, 1121-1199, 1330-1339, 1346-1349, 1353-1399
  • In Catalogs files, many legacy objects are without marked as paired (for any reason). But I bet you could use some of them successfully, mostly as Animatings.

Last edited by AkyV; 08-06-24 at 15:21.
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Old 19-05-24, 11:18   #8
Joined: Dec 2011
Posts: 5,074

7. Identifying the proper objects

At the end of the tutorial there is one more important chapter to discuss.
I mean, we already discussed that only TEN-specific or simpler TEN-compatible objects are allowed to be there in item files for TEN.
And now we discuss that how you can identify these proper objects, to have them in the item files for your TEN level:
  • Naturally as simple objects as Statics can be there in any WAD/WAD2 files for your TEN level, gotten from any source.
  • Perhaps some other simple TEN-compatible objects are also useable in a WAD/non-TEN WAD2 file, if they are at the proper name. I mean, for example, an ANIMATING of a non-TEN WAD2 shows up in a different object slot in your TEN level - but this TEN slot could be nicely used as an ANIMATING, anyway.
  • Not only Statics, but even other simple TEN-compatible objects, like eg. ANIMATINGs should work nicely in a TEN WAD2, gotten from any source.
  • About TEN-specific objects (only for TEN WAD2 files):

    • I mentioned above the initial WAD2 for TEN beginners. Naturally it is a splendid object source for TEN-specific objects.
    • Numerous object already have been optimized for TEN can be downloaded from here.
    • I am not sure that a simple conversion (see above) into a TEN WAD2 how much enough to make that object fully workable in TEN. So be careful, and do some tests to be sure.
    • Probably there are/will be available TEN-specific objects from other object sources, like eg.
For the time being, many TEN-specific object slots have not been optimized for TEN yet, even if they are named amongst the TEN object slots.
However, you can use them by a conversion from another (non-TEN) item file, but only at your own risk.

Last edited by AkyV; 08-06-24 at 10:35.
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