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Old 13-02-25, 22:08   #28331
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Originally Posted by charmedangelin View Post
The interview went really well, I was talking to the manager for almost an hour. He seemed really interested in me and told me he'd give me a call Monday. He told me if he gives me a position I'll be working opening hours 6am in the morning. Really early, but I'm fine with that.

I really want to work there because the environment felt really welcoming.
Well done! That’s exciting news.
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Old 13-02-25, 23:34   #28332
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Originally Posted by Dennis's Mom View Post
Excellent news! Good luck!

One of the reasons for my depression is that I mentioned somewhere that someone stole my MIL's pin and debit card and cleaned out her accounts in less than an hour. Over 11K.

That day she was told that the bank didn't follow procedure regarding those two huge cash withdrawals and someone was going to lose their job, and she'd get her money back, yaddah, yaddah.

That was Dec. 10th. Still nothing. Everything I read on the CFPB website said they had 30 days. So we filed a complaint with them about two weeks ago.

And Trump just shut it down. I said in January when Chase was dragging their feet they were just waiting out the clock until the CFPB was shut down. I hate being right all the time.

Her money's gone. We loaned her 3K so she'd have some money until they returned hers, I'm certainly not going to ask for repayment when she didn't get her own money back.

Normal citizens are being hurt by this. The CFPB recovered 21 BILLION dollars for Americans. Now predatory lenders will run amok and people will have no help. My MIL is a 90 year old lady who actually worked for this bank for 16 years.
Sorry to hear that.

A very long time ago a former friend told me that someone robbed him and took his bank card, he was a victim of his own stupidity because he wrote his pin on the card.
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Old Today, 07:02   #28333
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Hellllllp, I was brushing my teeth and then cleansing my face when I notice the loose skin hanging down from my arms. It's really loose now, I can pinch it and make shapes with it. I'm happy for losing 80lbs now, but I can definitely see the loose skin.

I'm not sad about it, it's just funny to see.

I have heard weight training and building muscle helps tighten some of that back up. I'm thinking some of the money I make from work could be set aside for a gym membership so I can go on my days off and work out. However I would have to increase my protein and complex carbs to build and maintain muscle. It would be worth a try.
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Old Today, 08:19   #28334
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Originally Posted by charmedangelin View Post
Hellllllp, I was brushing my teeth and then cleansing my face when I notice the loose skin hanging down from my arms. It's really loose now, I can pinch it and make shapes with it. I'm happy for losing 80lbs now, but I can definitely see the loose skin.

I'm not sad about it, it's just funny to see.

I have heard weight training and building muscle helps tighten some of that back up. I'm thinking some of the money I make from work could be set aside for a gym membership so I can go on my days off and work out. However I would have to increase my protein and complex carbs to build and maintain muscle. It would be worth a try.
You gone get a face lift like Nikocado?
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Old Today, 09:35   #28335
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Bored, stuck at a 9 Hour Shift at work. Would rather continue my TR4 Playthrough
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Old Today, 11:42   #28336
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Originally Posted by TR1249 View Post
Bored, stuck at a 9 Hour Shift at work. Would rather continue my TR4 Playthrough
Pretend that you feel sick here are 6 options

When the PS3 was released I called in sick so I could have the whole day with it I didn't want to wait 10 hours I forget what excuse I used and if I ran into my boss while I was in HMV buying games or anywhere else I had a cover story I'd pretend to be the twin brother I never told him about
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Old Today, 12:41   #28337
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Originally Posted by Leon_RPD View Post
You gone get a face lift like Nikocado?
I would love to, but with student debt and not much money it will be a long time before I could get any surgery. 😭
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Old Today, 12:50   #28338
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Originally Posted by DragonSlayer View Post
Pretend that you feel sick here are 6 options

When the PS3 was released I called in sick so I could have the whole day with it I didn't want to wait 10 hours I forget what excuse I used and if I ran into my boss while I was in HMV buying games or anywhere else I had a cover story I'd pretend to be the twin brother I never told him about
Lemme try those methods I used my two PTOs for yesterday and Friday tho Tomorrow I got a day off fortunately.

You're lucky you didn't ran into your boss then Hope the PS3 was worth it at the end
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Old Today, 13:05   #28339
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Originally Posted by TR1249 View Post
Lemme try those methods I used my two PTOs for yesterday and Friday tho Tomorrow I got a day off fortunately.

You're lucky you didn't ran into your boss then Hope the PS3 was worth it at the end
Let me know how successful those methods are

The PS3 was definitely worth not going to work.

I got 2 games with the PS3 Resistance Fall Of Man and Motorstorm, I returned Motorstorm to the store I bought it from the next day it wasn't that great the most annoying part about Motorstorm was when I'd crash it would take several seconds maybe a minute to spawn back on the track while the opposition got to keep going, previous racers I played I forget their names stopped the opposition from having an unfair advantage.

The launch games weren't great for PS3 there was a limited selection of games.

A few years ago I played Trackmania Turbo a much better game than Motorstorm there were too annoying tracks the first one had me going up a multi level structure in a loop the loop pattern where i had to drift the whole way up which made it very easy to fall off which happened several times.

The 2nd track number 314 was ridiculously long with a very tight time 3 minutes and 14 seconds to do all 3 laps add to that several obstacles like massive rocks in the middle of the road and many other obstacles that I can't remember made it very difficult, one mistake would mean a restart.

It was a very unforgiving track with a massive difficulty spike which made me after a hundred or more attempts I gave up threw in the towel and deleted the game which is a pity as I'd been enjoying the game up to that point.

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Old Today, 17:05   #28340
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it's happening again more irish taxpayers money being unnecessarily wasted

This is the latest example almost 800,000 wasted on a wall at the Italian embassy that took 6 years to repair because of a difference of opinion between Dublin South County Council and the then owner the Italian state over who should pay for it

The final amount was significantly higher than the almost 800,000 specifically 10 million as buying the now former embassy was the only way to get the job done

Bizarrely the council is defending the cost claiming it's good value for money

10 million 800,000 wasted to repair a wall is not value for money

This emerged during the week 7 million wasted by The Arts Council on a useless IT system something which was for unknown reasons deliberately withheld from the irish government ahead of last November's general election

If there isn't one then there should be a spending watchdog to put a stop to irish taxpayers money being repeatedly unnecessarily wasted on pipe dreams and stupid things and those that unnecessarily waste taxpayers money should be held accountable and named and shamed.

These are all the previous examples of irish taxpayers money being unnecessarily wasted

Nothing will change there will be several more controversies around unnecessary waste of taxpayers money this year.
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