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#1 |
Joined: Sep 2011
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Best Strats When Using The Kayak In Madubu Gorge:
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsfEECt6VwM Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBT5...pQuYcTFB0o_tnq Over the next ten days I will be uploaded ten Tomb Raider videos which have already been recorded and are ready for upload. Eight of the videos are for Tomb Raider 3, whereas the two others are for Tomb Raider 2. The first video has been uploaded and the next video will get uploaded tomorrow. The first video is for Madubu Gorge, Tomb Raider 3. Video description: Welcome to Madubu Gorge, the 3rd level of the South Pacific section from Tomb Raider 3. Using the kayak when progressing through the level can often prove to be frustrating for people because of how hard it is to control the kayak in the raging waters. There are a lot of drops and traps that can cost you health. Further to that, there are a number of savegame crystals that can be missed as a result of failure to use the kayak effectively. There are 2 kayaks in this level. The first one is at the beginning of the level, whereas the second one is later into the level. If you use the first kayak then you will complete the level more quickly but you will miss out on secrets, pickups and kills. If you ignore the first kayak and use the second kayak then you will complete the level less quickly but will be able to complete the level 100%, with the exception of a savegame crystal that can only be obtained by using the first kayak. In this video I show you the best methods and routes to use when using the kayaks. By this, I mean that I show you how to sustain minimal health loss and collect the highest number of items that are available to you when journeying with the kayaks. I begin by showing you how to use the first kayak in a way where you collect 4/4 savegame crystals and not sustain any health loss until the big drop at the end of the level. I then show you how to use the second kayak in a way where you collect 4/4 savegame crystals and don't sustain any health loss until the big drop at the end of the level. I don't know of any way of tackling the big drop at the end of the level without losing health. However, I show you myself dropping down in ways where the health loss would be small enough in order for you to be able to complete the level 100% without using any medipacks or glitches, providing that you're efficient with your health throughout the level. I also show you that it's possible to use the second kayak and then backtrack to the start of the level without the use of glitches or losing any health. This enables you to use the first kayak and collect the extra savegame crystal while also collecting everything else. This means collecting 5/4 savegame crystals when journeying with the kayaks, as well as being able to see to everything else in the game. The inspiration to put this video together came from when I did a challenge for this game where I had to go by the following restrictions: All Secrets All Pickups All Savegame Crystals All Kills No Medipacks No Glitches Pistols Only When I did Madubu Gorge for this challenge I used the technique of using the second kayak and backtracking to the first kayak. I collected 5/4 savegame crystals from the kayak journeys and didn't lose any health apart from the drop at the end. Obviously, I completed the whole of the level 100%; it wasn't just about what I did with the kayaks. Though, when I did use the kayaks I used the methods and techniques demonstrated in this video. If you would like to see my Madubu Gorge video for this challenge then see the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzHI...r3V1WV&index=5 |
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#2 |
Joined: Sep 2011
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Best Strats With Risky Jumps In Madubu Gorge, Lud's Gate And Antarctica From Tomb Raider 3:
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrNXvBg0ZmA Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBT5...pQuYcTFB0o_tnq Welcome to my video for Tomb Raider 3, which contains clips from Antarctica, Madubu Gorge and Lud's Gate. In this game there are a handful of what I would call "risky jumps". By that, I mean jumps that you have to get right or else you will die or miss out on items (or both.) In this video, I show you full proof methods on how to successfully perform the jumps. I begin with Antarctica. One of the secrets in this level can only be obtained by sliding down a slope, jumping at the right time and grabbing a ledge. Failure to be successful with this jump results in you getting dumped into icy water that you can't get back out of, and thus you freeze to death. There's a bit of ground just before the slope which you climb up onto from a ladder. In this video I climbed up the ladder onto the bit of ground. I took one step forwards and then jumped forwards. I landed on the slope and immediately jumped forwards and grabbed the ledge. I move onto Madubu Gorge. Risky jumps are subject to two of the secrets in this level, as well as a separate part of the level. The separate part of the level is where there's razor wire that you have to jump over. There's a platform where you drop down onto a slope which sends you onto the razor wire unless you're successful with jumping over it. Failure to jump over the razor wire results in you getting impaled. Even if you are successful with the jump, you can still take damage if you jump later than what's ideal. In this video I stood on the platform and hopped backwards so that I grabbed the ledge with the slope underneath me. I dropped down and immediately jumped backwards after landing on the slope, taking me beyond the razor wire without losing any health. The first of the secrets that I mentioned (Madubu Gorge) can only be obtained by sliding down a slope, jumping at the right time and grabbing a ledge. Failure to be successful with this jump results in your landing on fire and burning to death. There's a bit of ground just before the slope which you reach by travelling along monkey swings. It's possible to stand on the bit of ground while facing the slope, hop backwards and grab the ledge to the bit of ground and pull yourself back up. I did this in the video. This was followed by me taking two steps forwards and then jumping forwards. I landed on the slope and immediately jumped forwards and grabbed the ledge. The second of these secrets can only be obtained by jumping backwards onto a slope, sliding down, grabbing the ledge, shimming to the right and dropping down onto a platform. After collecting the items from the secret you have to return to this platform so that you can jump onto a different platform which takes you back to a main part of the level. Both of these jumps can go wrong and result in you landing in the water, which will lead to you dying. With the first part I stood with my back against the slope and ran forwards twice. I then jumped backwards, landing on the slope. I grabbed the ledge and had no difficulty with getting to the platform. When doing the return jump I avoided the bit of rock that's above you on the right. Jumping in a way where you strike the underneath of this rock can reduce the distance of your jump, stopping you from reaching the platform. In this video I kept to the left of the rock when jumping and was successful with reaching the platform. I finish with Lud's Gate. There's a risky jump shortly before the Embalming Fluid and another risky jump immediately before the Embalming Fluid. With the first jump you slide down a slope and have to jump at the right time so that you can grab a ledge. Failure to do this will result in you falling to your death. With the second jump, you slide down a slope which takes you onto a breakable tile. You then have to jump and grab a ledge in front of you. Failure to do this will result in you falling and missing out on secrets, pickups, crystals and kills. With the first jump I slid down the slope backwards and grabbed the ledge. This was followed by me pulling myself back up onto the slope, jumping backwards while performing a mid-air roll and grabbing the ledge. With the second jump I show you two ways of executing this bit. With the first way, I slid down the slope onto the breakable tiles. I then did a side jump to the right, landing on a separate set of breakable tiles. I immediately jumped forwards from the second set of breakable tiles, grabbed the ledge, shimmied to the left and pulled myself up. With the second way, I backtrack to the platform that you reach when jumping from the previous slope. I dropped down so that I grabbed the ledge to the platform and shimmied as far left as possible before pulling up. I then ran forwards four times and did a side jump to the right, landing with the slope and first set of breakable tiles in front of me. I took one step forwards, jumped forwards onto the first set of breakable tiles (without stopping/pausing) ran forwards, jumped and grabbed the ledge. |
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#3 |
Joined: Oct 2023
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Strategy videos, I like it. Thank you Greenapple for making them.
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#4 |
Joined: Sep 2011
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Best Strats For The Drop In All Hallows, Tomb Raider 3:
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJXVsa7WdPQ Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBT5...pQuYcTFB0o_tnq Welcome to All Hallows, the bonus level from Tomb Raider 3. In the earlier stages of this level is a forced drop which costs you much of your health. It's where you stand on breakable tiles which collapse, causing you to drop down and sustain damage. There are monkey swings above the breakable tiles, as well as a slope. You can drop down onto the breakable tiles from the monkey swings. You can also drop down from the monkey swings onto the slope and then onto the breakable tiles. Dropping down onto the breakable tiles from the monkey swings costs you health. Dropping down from the monkey swings onto the slope is free of health loss, as is the drop from the slope onto the breakable tiles. However, the drop from the breakable tiles onto the ground underneath is the biggest drop, and therefore the biggest issue. I show you different ways you can go about handling this drop; I show you 3 techniques which affect the amount of health that you lose, though they do also vary in difficulty. The first technique sees me drop from the monkey swings onto the slope, and then from the slope to the breakable tiles. I then fall after the breakable tiles collapse. This method is the simplest, but costs you about 70%-80% of your health. The second technique sees me drop from the monkey swings straight onto the breakable tiles while facing in a certain direction. I lose health from this initial drop, but I'm then able to grab a ledge underneath the breakable tiles after they break which reduces the fall from the breakable tiles to the ground underneath. This is a bit trickier but costs no more than 60% of your health from the two drops combined. The third technique sees me drop from the monkey swings onto the slope while facing in a certain direction so that when I drop from the slope to the breakable tiles I'm able to position myself so that I grab the ledge underneath the breakable tiles after they collapse. By this stage, I haven't lost any health. I do of course, have to drop down to the ground below which does cause damage. This method is the trickiest, but only costs about 30% of your health which I think is the smallest possible. For a bit of fun I then show you some much sillier ways of going about the drop. I intentionally execute the drop in ways where I'm killed by the fall. I did this to try and provide you with some light-hearted entertainment. No problem. Not all of the upcoming videos are strategy videos though. |
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#5 |
Joined: Apr 2010
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I also made a video for the kayak of Madubu Gorge. It's some kind of lazy run:
https://youtu.be/BglGOTTM4Xg ![]() |
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#6 | |
Joined: Sep 2011
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Shooting A Dead Monk Will Aggravate The Living Monks In Barkhang Monastery, Tomb Raider 2:
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ss57XPmrcA Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBT5...pQuYcTFB0o_tnq Welcome to Barkhang Monastery, the second level of the Tibet section from Tomb Raider 2. In previous videos I showed you that it's possible to shoot (and even kill) the monks without them turning on you. If the monks are peacefully walking around then shooting them will result in them becoming aggravated. However, if there are gunmen present and the monks are running due to the presence of the gunmen then it's possible to shoot the monks without them turning on you. There is a limit as to how much damage you can inflict upon a monk without them turning on you, and I believe that the limit is about 1/3 of the monk's health. The number of times that you can safely shoot a monk with the pistols is lower than the number of times that you can safely shoot a monk with a more powerful gun. With the grenade launcher and shotgun, I don't think that it's possible to shoot a monk without them becoming aggravated due to the amount of damage that those guns inflict. In order to kill a monk without them turning on you the requirement is to wait until gunmen weaken the monk to the point where his amount of health is below the threshold of how much damage you can safely inflict upon the monk. Then, if you shoot and kill the monk while he's running due to the presence of gunmen then it's possible for you to kill the monk without causing aggravation. Links to these videos can be found below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEcj...o_tnq&index=42 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcCR...o_tnq&index=43 In this video I show you that it's possible to aggravate the monks by shooting a dead monk. If you aim your guns at a target and shoot, then you end up getting a lock-on. If you keep your finger on the action button then you will keep the lock-on, even if the target becomes out of sight. You won't shoot but the lock-on will remain. If the target returns to being within sight then you will start shooting the target again. In this video I shot a monk while he was running due to the presence of gunmen. This meant being able to shoot the monk without aggravating him. I quickly ensured that I was no longer facing the monk so that I stopped shooting him but without losing my lock-on. The monks weren't aggravated by this stage. I then waited for the gunmen to kill the monk that I was locked-onto. This was followed by the gunmen getting killed by other monks, so that it was just monks remaining. You could clearly see that the monks weren't aggravated. However, I then positioned myself so that the dead monk was within range again. This resulted in me shooting the dead monk which caused the living monks to become aggravated, thus showing that shooting a dead monk will aggravate the living monks, the same way that shooting a living monk will aggravate them. I decided to also experiment this with the grenade launcher and harpoon gun. The ammunition works differently with these 2 guns; they are not "bullet guns" like the rest of your weapons are. Therefore, I was curious as to whether the grenade launcher and harpoon gun might produce a different result. Interestingly, shooting a dead monk with the harpoon gun or grenade launcher doesn't aggravate the living monks. When experimenting with the harpoon gun, I did the same as when experimenting with the pistols. As for the grenade launcher, I got my lock-on by firing at a monk but I made sure that the shot missed; striking a monk with the grenade launcher would result in instant aggravation. When shooting the dead monk with the harpoon gun and grenade launcher the rest of the monks just peacefully walked around and ignored me. The conclusion to be taken from this video is that shooting a dead monk with a "bullet gun" will result in the other monks becoming aggravated. Whereas shooting a dead monk with the grenade launcher or harpoon gun has no effect on the monks whatsoever. Quote:
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#7 | |
Joined: Apr 2010
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https://youtu.be/4gXD8AMob1o (Starting from 3m50s.) The drops are a bit risky, but turns out to be slow enough. |
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#8 | |
Joined: Sep 2011
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Gate Opens And Closes In Meteorite Cavern, Tomb Raider 3:
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPnMUkR_dus Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBT5...pQuYcTFB0o_tnq Welcome to Meteorite Cavern, the final level of Tomb Raider 3. Usually you would collect the 4 artefacts at the beginning of the level and kill Willard. That is what I did shortly before recording this video clip. Collecting the 4 artefacts causes a gate to open, enabling you to proceed to a later gate which opens when the helicopter lands. In this video I'm stood in front of the gate which opens as the helicopter lands. However, I then show you that backtracking to a specific previous area causes the gate to close. The gate doesn't remain closed though; it opens again shortly afterwards. If you backtrack to the previous area again then the gate will be closed again, and you'll have to loiter until it reopens. Not the most useful discovery in the world, but I found it to be interesting and therefore decided to share it. Quote:
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#9 |
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Ever Wondered If These Enemies Drop Items? (Bartoli's Hideout, Tibetan Foothills, Tomb Raider 2):
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsEcVwAMLNQ Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBT5...pQuYcTFB0o_tnq Welcome to my video from Tomb Raider 2. This video begins with clips from Bartoli's Hideout, the second level of the Venice section. It then moves onto clips from Tibetan Foothills, the first level of the Tibet section. In Bartoli's Hideout, you're meant to need to use the Detonator Key in order to be able to complete the level. Using the Detonator Keys causes severe damage to a nearby building, and also causes a gunman to spawn on a balcony above you. I don't know if you're meant to be able to reach the balcony, but you can by grabbing a roof and shimming along until you're able to drop down onto the balcony. I was curious as to whether the gunman drops any items after you kill him. Therefore, I decided to check and can confirm that he doesn't seem to drop any items. In Tibetan Foothills, there's a gunman near the end of the level. He's on a bit of ground that might not be easy for you to get to, especially without sustaining damage. I was also curious as to whether this gunman drops any items after being killed. So I killed him, and from making it over to him it seems that he too doesn't drop anything. Was there a purpose to this video? Well, the video removes any doubt of potential good news by providing us with bad news. If there's value in that then happy days. ![]() |
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#10 |
Joined: Oct 2023
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This video is useful for someone who hasn't played Tomb Raider 2, Core era. Me, I've made it to balcony where the gunman is. It's too bad he doesn't drop an item.
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