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Old 02-08-24, 06:23   #11
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Originally Posted by Mr Od View Post
I agree, and really hope that with the next patch(es) they will improve the graphics to the level they had on PC versions.
I haven't played in a while because of other things, but also because of waiting for the next patch, but when I was playing it was almost exclusively in classic graphics. The only problems I noticed with how the game plays is the occasional slowdown. Well other gameplay problems are the weapon switching on controller and the sidestep/walk being the same as TR3 in all 3 games, but those aren't exclusive to classic mode.

It's jarring when going from the remaster graphics to classic because of the framerate, sure, but I get used to it pretty quick and it's far from unplayable, to me at least.

Last edited by topazlink; 02-08-24 at 07:43.
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Old 02-08-24, 06:27   #12
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Originally Posted by dcw123 View Post
Any chance you could fix / mod some of the dodge AI textures to be corrected. Or fix mistakes that are in the level textures (ie on the walls/floors)

I don't have any examples to show, as I haven't played since update 1.
I'd do this myself but don't own photoshop and can't open the DDS files.

Venice's statue with its 'sword hand' merging.
Lost Valley's mud/stone textures not lining up as they did in OG TR1 causing obvious gaps in modern mode. etc
Unfortunately no, my efforts have been focusing exclusively on classic graphics. I'm not really a modder or artist, so I don't have the knowledge or skills to change that sort of stuff. I don't even have photoshop, when needed I was using, I dunno if it came with Windows 10, or if my brother installed it or something, but it did the job. It seems like it can open .dds files too, though I dunno if they'll work properly if you edit them and put them back in the game.

I also wish the AI or whatever tools were used would be gradually replaced with actual redone art because it looks off and some seem to have been misinterpreted by the method they used.

Last edited by topazlink; 02-08-24 at 07:10.
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Old 07-08-24, 13:56   #13
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This mod was made using TRtexture btw, which was not an easy tool to find considering I had no idea it even existed until someone specifically mentioned it. I've also used it to make a mod to restore all the old medipack textures.

Original medipacks for classic graphics:

My main issues are that there's too many random tools for the old games strewn about across random websites, with some that have dead links. Many end up with overlapping or missing features compared to others, or they don't save certain things properly or whatever and it's a nightmare figuring out where to look or what to use.

I'd love to put the original Vegas outfit into classic mode, 'cos the version of Golden Mask that has the outfit and the whole black and white aesthetic is available through Tomb of Ash's website, but I don't know how to do it.

Last edited by topazlink; 07-08-24 at 14:05.
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Old 07-08-24, 14:08   #14
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In theory swapping a simple outfit should be easy enough; however, another issue with all those old tools is that they are often unstable and produce side effects. As such, with my limited knowledge, I can't exactly put my finger on how to do it in a safeproof and somewhat "professional" way
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Old 07-08-24, 14:50   #15
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Originally Posted by Topixtor View Post
In theory swapping a simple outfit should be easy enough; however, another issue with all those old tools is that they are often unstable and produce side effects. As such, with my limited knowledge, I can't exactly put my finger on how to do it in a safeproof and somewhat "professional" way
Yeah, I was originally told to use TRViewer and/or PixStr when I wanted to make my "original medipacks" mod.

After trying PixStr and realising that it doesn't let you swap out Sprites, even though you can see them in the texture pages preview. Though you can import your own "bigBMP" to replace all the textures, but that may have its own problems? But it turns out that saving any Tomb Raider 1 level with PixStr messes up transparency info, making some stuff transparent that shouldn't be.

So I tried TRViewer and that seemed like it was going okay. I exported the medipacks from the original games using it and imported them into the remaster versions' classic files just fine, including the Sprites. But it does exactly the same thing as PixStr and messes up the TR1 textures. I was also told TRViewer can mess up Tomb Raider 2's triggers in the levels. It seems to sorta reconstruct the files when it saves them? So on opening those saved levels in PixStr out of curiosity, the textures in the texture pages were in a completely different order.

So I had no idea what to do and was downloading as many different tools as I could find until someone mentioned TRtexture, which I hadn't heard of and couldn't find anywhere until I stumbled into it in a thread on here. I tried it and it worked. It seemed to save the textures properly too, which is what caused me to make the mod that fixes the various small texture issues. It's not a perfect tool though and is missing some features that I would like, and is only for textures and nothing else.

I would've thought that there would just be a singular tool that can do everything by now. View all the models, Sprites, texture pages and whatever else and let you export/import them all individually and save them properly and all that. Maybe even let you view the whole level and all the triggers and enemy/item placements and move them around and stuff too. The closest to that I think is "trview" which lets you see the whole level and triggers and items and stuff, which I think is for planning out speedrun routes? But it doesn't let you edit anything.

Last edited by topazlink; 07-08-24 at 14:57.
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Old 12-08-24, 15:31   #16
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Originally Posted by Mr Od View Post
I agree, and really hope that with the next patch(es) they will improve the graphics to the level they had on PC versions.
At least we have the PC version; the game seems to be holding up well so far. I guess they wanted to keep it selling on Steam.
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Old 05-11-24, 11:14   #17
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As far as I can tell, Patch 4 fixes all these!
Praise the devs!
So this mod is now obsolete, unless you're still running Patch 3 or below.
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