06-11-24, 14:07 | #301 |
Joined: Apr 2012
Posts: 11,132
Everything that is not according to your way of thought is considered trolling to you tho. You might as well report everyone but yourself. Have a great night and don't forget you always will have someone that loves you even if they have died already <3.
07-11-24, 10:32 | #302 |
Joined: Jun 2011
Posts: 2,405
Jfc just put the guy on your ignore list if you all hate him this much
25-11-24, 19:36 | #303 |
Joined: Jan 2024
Posts: 2,861
Italian after Update#4
I checked all the post-Update#4 Italian translations of the three games' texts in full.
Many changes made with Update#4 to the subtitles of cutscenes and FMVs are good (especially those of TR1). And many of my proposed fixes have also been implemented. However, new mistakes have also been introduced (such as a past tense of the verb essere written fù instead of fu, which is not an insignificant detail in Italian), and in addition to this there are the already highlighted problems of the level titles, some of which have been left in English, and the capitalisation of all nouns everywhere, which is not a standard used in Italian. I will send new correction proposals to Aspyr/Saber in the coming days. Last edited by Mr Od; 25-11-24 at 19:38. |
29-11-24, 18:56 | #304 |
Joined: Nov 2024
Posts: 9
I don't know if it's already been reported, but in several languages levels that have names that are too long end up above the number of saves. For example in Italian: High Security Compound/Reparto di Massima Sicurezza.
29-11-24, 22:59 | #305 |
Joined: Aug 2012
Posts: 755
I don't know if they can fix that. The only way would be coding the names so that they get cut with "..." if too long... or decreasing the size of characters
02-12-24, 12:33 | #306 |
Joined: Jan 2024
Posts: 2,861
The German translations contain other mistakes.
"Natla's Mines" was translated as Natlas Katacomben (i.e. "Natla's Catacombs") instead of Natlas Minen. |
02-12-24, 14:24 | #307 |
Joined: Jan 2024
Posts: 2,861
TR1-3R - German level titles
Some translation corrections and style harmonisations (lowercase adjectives and verbs; definite articles in TR1 and 2, not 3; and whatnot). TOMB RAIDER 1 LVL_GYM=Laras Anwesen LVL_LEVEL1=Die Kavernen LVL_LEVEL2=Die Stadt Vilcabamba LVL_LEVEL3A=Das Verlorene Tal >> Das verlorene Tal LVL_LEVEL3B=Das Grab von Qualopec LVL_LEVEL4=St. Francis' Folly >> Das Kloster des heiligen Franziskus LVL_LEVEL5=Das Kolosseum LVL_LEVEL6=Der Palast des Midas LVL_LEVEL7A=Die Zisterne LVL_LEVEL7B=Das Grab des Tihocan LVL_LEVEL8A=Die Stadt Khamoon LVL_LEVEL8B=Der Obelisk von Khamoon LVL_LEVEL8C=Das Heiligtum des Scion LVL_LEVEL10A=Natlas Katakomben >> Natlas Minen LVL_LEVEL10B=Atlantis LVL_LEVEL10C=Die Große Pyramide LVL_EGYPT=Rückkehr nach Ägypten LVL_CAT=Der Tempel der Katze LVL_END=Die Festung von Atlantis LVL_END2=Das Nest TOMB RAIDER 2 LVL_ASSAULT=Laras Anwesen LVL_WALL=Die Große Mauer LVL_BOAT=Venedig LVL_VENICE=Bartolis Versteck LVL_OPERA=Das Opernhaus LVL_RIG=Der Bohrturm LVL_PLATFORM=Die Tiefe >> Das Tauchgebiet LVL_UNWATER=40 Faden LVL_KEEL=Das Wrack der Maria Doria LVL_LIVING=Die Quartiere LVL_DECK=An Deck LVL_SKIDOO=Das tibetanische Hochland LVL_MONASTRY=Das Kloster von Barkhang LVL_CATACOMB=Die Katakomben des Talion LVL_ICECAVE=Der Eispalast LVL_EMPRTOMB=Der Tempel des Xian LVL_FLOATING=Die schwimmenden Inseln LVL_XIAN=Der Hort des Drachen LVL_HOUSE=Zuhause LVL_LEVEL1=Der kalte Krieg LVL_LEVEL2=Das Gold des Narren LVL_LEVEL3=Hochofen der Götter >> Der Hochofen der Götter LVL_LEVEL4=Königreich >> Das Königreich LVL_LEVEL5=Alptraum in Vegas TOMB RAIDER 3 LVL_HOUSE=Laras Anwesen LVL_JUNGLE=Dschungel LVL_TEMPLE=Tempelruine LVL_QUADCHAS=Der Ganges LVL_TONYBOSS=Kaliya-Höhlen LVL_SHORE=Küstendorf LVL_CRASH=Absturzstelle LVL_RAPIDS=Madubu Schlucht >> Madubu-Schlucht LVL_TRIBOSS=Punatempel >> Puna-Tempel LVL_ROOFS=Kai an der Themse LVL_SEWER=Aldwych LVL_TOWER=Lud's Gate >> Lud-Tor LVL_OFFICE=Innenstadt LVL_NEVADA=Wüste von Nevada LVL_COMPOUND=Hochsicherheitstrakt LVL_AREA51=Area 51 LVL_ANTARC=Antarktis LVL_MINES=RX-Techs Bergwerk >> RX-Techs Minen LVL_CITY=Die vergessene Stadt Tinnos LVL_CHAMBER=Höhle des Meteoriten LVL_STPAUL=All Hallows >> Allerheiligen LVL_SCOTLAND=Das Hochland LVL_WILLSDEN=Willards Unterschlupf LVL_CHUNNEL=Shakespeare-Klippe LVL_UNDERSEA=Mit den Fischen schlafen LVL_ZOO=Es ist ein Irrenhaus! LVL_SLINC=Wiedervereinigung Last edited by Mr Od; 02-12-24 at 14:42. |
02-12-24, 18:05 | #308 |
Joined: Jan 2016
Posts: 289
Some enhancements in PTBR #Patch4Current #ForPatch5
File 1\TEXT\PT\COMMON.TXT TR3_ANTARC=Antarctica > TR3_ANTARC=Antártica I was about to translate do Antártida (which is commonly used), but Antártica is also correct and all over the other files. Last edited by renansimoes; 02-12-24 at 18:10. |
02-12-24, 20:28 | #309 |
Joined: Jan 2024
Posts: 2,861
TR1-3R - German level titles
Further correction:
LVL_LEVEL3B=Das Grab des Qualopec Rationale: This is a harmonisation, not a mistake correction, since other TR1 level titles use the article-genitive for proper nouns of historical persons instead of the von-genitive. |
02-12-24, 20:57 | #310 | |
Joined: Jan 2024
Posts: 2,861
I will add this to the next batch that I will send to Aspyr, but I am not sure that they read my emails. Last edited by Mr Od; 02-12-24 at 21:17. |
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