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Old 18-01-22, 14:52   #11
Yuna´s Wish
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Are Crash and Spyro in danger!?
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Old 18-01-22, 14:53   #12
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Holy smokes
thats a huuuuuuuge buy wtf
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Old 18-01-22, 14:53   #13
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Oof.. 70 billion?? With all the scandals and everything going on? Seems like a huge waste of money IMO. As a Sony gamer and just as a gamer in general it disappoints me. Nobody should have to worry about previous all platform games going exclusive to one platform for the sake of money.

Oh well. Hope it was worth it, I guess.
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Old 18-01-22, 14:54   #14
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Originally Posted by rewak View Post
Not $70 BILLION worth. Not saying they weren't doing well but and that was with everything they released pretty much being multiplatform other than WoW not to mention the recent backlash against the company impacting recent performance. They're banking on driving people to their platforms to make the money back and I don't see that happening even with the reach their franchises have.

Honestly the only good thing for us might be Crash and Spyro, we know Activision had dropped them and got every studio they own moved to CoD development, so there was little to no chance of seeing another Crash or Spyro game under their leadership anytime soon. Now MS can always farm them out to their other studios.
Activision is still earning high amounts of profit, regardless of all of the recent stuff. And now changing to MS, and Phil will become CEO and Bobby will most likely leave at the end of the deal, it will bring morale back up.

MS has enough money to invest and give some more.

King subdivision alone makes insane amounts of money with the mobile games.

Activision with CoD doesn't even need to be mentioned

And Blizz has Diablo which is pretty big, Overwatch, and WoW that while not at its peak it's still solidly performing
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Old 18-01-22, 14:55   #15
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That's a lot of valuable IP
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Old 18-01-22, 15:03   #16
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Doesn’t Microsoft have a reputation of killing a lot of their smaller franchises and studios while focusing on big stuff like Halo and that sort of thing? I remember my coworker a few years back complaining that Microsoft doesn’t have a ton of games like Sony does. Sony has many third party games and they help by getting a lot of smaller studios onto their platform. Microsoft, from what little I know, isn’t friendly like that. Maybe this acquisition is in response to their already owned exclusives not being enough to get people to buy Xbox’s.
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Old 18-01-22, 15:14   #17
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Even CNN is reporting on this and I only have the app for political and other important news. If the Justice department doesn't do a thing about this then we will know where their loyalties lie, and it ain't with the people that's for sure.
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Old 18-01-22, 15:18   #18
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Originally Posted by charmedangelin View Post
Even CNN is reporting on this and I only have the app for political and other important news. If the Justice department doesn't do a thing about this then we will know where their loyalties lie, and it ain't with the people that's for sure.
It’s too early to tell if this means absolute,100% exclusivity to Xbox and PC and that Sony players are out.
They could still have games put out on PlayStation. Maybe like Rise where Overwatch 2 gets a year exclusive to Xbox and PC and Sony has to wait.
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Old 18-01-22, 15:26   #19
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Originally Posted by charmedangelin View Post
Even CNN is reporting on this and I only have the app for political and other important news. If the Justice department doesn't do a thing about this then we will know where their loyalties lie, and it ain't with the people that's for sure.
The deal would not advance if it was illegal. There's a whole investigation in this regard before the deals are announced publicly. If the announcement is made, it has green light to go
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Old 18-01-22, 15:41   #20
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Originally Posted by Vaskito View Post
The deal would not advance if it was illegal. There's a whole investigation in this regard before the deals are announced publicly. If the announcement is made, it has green light to go
No that's not how it works, once the deal goes public the Justice department has 2 years to investigate it and can revoke final approval if they believe the deal is illegal. It happened when T Mobile tried to buy Sprint the first time. TMobile and Sprint had to amend the terms of the deal before being granted final approval.

I hope in the coming two years the Justice department will revoke this deal completely. It is far to large of an acquisition for Sony and Nintendo to compete.

Originally Posted by Quebsenuef View Post
It’s too early to tell if this means absolute,100% exclusivity to Xbox and PC and that Sony players are out.
They could still have games put out on PlayStation. Maybe like Rise where Overwatch 2 gets a year exclusive to Xbox and PC and Sony has to wait.
It will, they are doing it with Bethesda, no reason they won't with Activision. They will claim you can play on any platform with gamepass, but you still have to go through Microsoft to play it.

There is also concern about their control of the creative output in the industry from this deal, it's very bad all around.

Last edited by charmedangelin; 18-01-22 at 15:43.
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