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Old 06-02-25, 22:20   #111
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Originally Posted by Samz View Post
Von Croy kinda throws a wrench into that since he fills the same role as Roth.

I've never been too bothered by this actually, I think it's entirely possible to have them both as mentors. In fact, I actually think it even makes more sense. Roth taught Lara how to survive in the wild, while Werner taught Lara how to be a tomb raider.
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Old Yesterday, 00:28   #112
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The whole "Von Croy can't exist because of Roth" excuse has always felt pretty flimsy to me. Characters can have more than one mentor you know. Just look at Luke Skywalker with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda.
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Old Yesterday, 03:38   #113
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I'm gonna blame y'all's lack of enthusiasm and/or squabbles for making sure this doesn't happen and/or sacks their already minimal budget.
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Old Yesterday, 09:46   #114
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Originally Posted by VictorXD View Post
I've never been too bothered by this actually, I think it's entirely possible to have them both as mentors. In fact, I actually think it even makes more sense. Roth taught Lara how to survive in the wild, while Werner taught Lara how to be a tomb raider.
But why does a man have to teach her everything? She's supposed to have learnt how to survive from the Himalayan plane crash. Imo having two male mentors just takes away from Lara's .. girl power. Aren't her pistols also originally Roth's too? And this reboob Lara is heavily influenced by her father and following in his footsteps/avenging his death, which therefore means Lara Croft has THREE huge male influences/mentors before she's 30. What great feminism for the character.

Lara tagging along with Von Croy on his expedition because she was interested was enough.
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Old Yesterday, 11:15   #115
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Originally Posted by Tombraider95 View Post
But why does a man have to teach her everything? She's supposed to have learnt how to survive from the Himalayan plane crash. Imo having two male mentors just takes away from Lara's .. girl power. Aren't her pistols also originally Roth's too? And this reboob Lara is heavily influenced by her father and following in his footsteps/avenging his death, which therefore means Lara Croft has THREE huge male influences/mentors before she's 30. What great feminism for the character.

Lara tagging along with Von Croy on his expedition because she was interested was enough.
Yes and roth giving her the duals by magic now with the anime is pointless because if he really was a mentor to her or "relevant" she would have honored him since 2013 by using HIS gear but guess what ? that's not even the case
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Old Yesterday, 11:33   #116
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No reboot Lara is influenced by the environment she have grow up. Having a full library with books filled with history can help to devellop a curiosity on your own. Plus Lara is different from her father he isn't an action guy. Roth teached her how to defend herself but she's still doing those things alone in the end.

It's not that different from Classic Lara in a sense.
In her youth she was heavily influenced by her environment. She was already rich and have a full access to an uptown education. Her father Henshingly Croft said yes for her to go on a trip to Cambodia. Von Croy teached her the basic of what he know just like Roth.

Both characters have made their baptism of fire by going on an unplanned adventure that would test her to the limit. Yamatai/the Himalaya's plane crash.

Both where transformed by this experience.

Both gonna be haunted one day by their past ghosts (Von Croy/Richard) Both have seen the lost of someone she was conflicted (Richard/Von Croy).

The thing is for Reboot Lara those events are happening straight after her first adventure in Yamatai and not years after.
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Old Yesterday, 11:45   #117
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I'm sorry to insist on this, but Lara's passports. The dates seen in the game textures in TRC, the technological gap between the LAU era and the Survivor Lara era makes internal coherence impossible.

If CD wants to unify the game, they can do so. But it will surely be on the condition of freely reinterpreting events from the past. The unified timeline would be something like comparing TRA to TR1. Clearly they are very different games that try to tell the same event from different perspectives.

By this I mean that, in my opinion, the unified timeline is possible, but only under the condition of certain changes. On the other hand, the remasters are still the same classic games as always. So they wouldn't be affected by that unified timeline. Then we would all be happy.
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Old Yesterday, 11:56   #118
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Originally Posted by FantaseaII View Post
Yes and roth giving her the duals by magic now with the anime is pointless because if he really was a mentor to her or "relevant" she would have honored him since 2013 by using HIS gear but guess what ? that's not even the case
The lack of consistency just proves how they are making it up as they go along and nothing means anything. I just dislike how so many men are having an impact on Lara's origin, when she's supposed to be self made. It just doesn't seem very female empowering.
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Old Yesterday, 11:58   #119
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Originally Posted by Tremolo View Post
I'm sorry to insist on this, but Lara's passports. The dates seen in the game textures in TRC, the technological gap between the LAU era and the Survivor Lara era makes internal coherence impossible.

If CD wants to unify the game, they can do so. But it will surely be on the condition of freely reinterpreting events from the past. The unified timeline would be something like comparing TRA to TR1. Clearly they are very different games that try to tell the same event from different perspectives.

By this I mean that, in my opinion, the unified timeline is possible, but only under the condition of certain changes. On the other hand, the remasters are still the same classic games as always. So they wouldn't be affected by that unified timeline. Then we would all be happy.
Oh they will just pick whatever they want and rewrite it for no valuable reasons besides "unification" at the end of the day even their "similarities" between reboot and OG shows that it wasn't even necessary to rewrite so much even lara's core elements.
This wasn't written with unification in mind at all, and it's still dissapointing to rewrite 20 years of TR history just because roth... like meh

Originally Posted by Tombraider95 View Post
The lack of consistency just proves how they are making it up as they go along and nothing means anything. I just dislike how so many men are having an impact on Lara's origin, when she's supposed to be self made. It just doesn't seem very female empowering.
I know... it clearly shows and the anime was peak of that btw to me... they missed so much opportunities anyway. They made a looot of mistakes in the writing. They should just leave it in the past and change directions while taking care to know where TR comes from and take a look at what inspired core in the first place... i'm glad Indiana jones got a great game for exemple recently maybe they will finally notice where to go or a least take inspiration from.

Anyway to stay on topic, i hope we get a good reception for remasters and especially AOD, i'm here for any DLC or "extras" whatever it may be ! that would be great to have DLCs with like germany or turkey properly designed as intended

Last edited by FantaseaII; Yesterday at 12:05.
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