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Old 25-05-12, 18:04   #1
tlr online
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Smile Tomb Raider E3 2012 - Your Questions for Crystal Dynamics

Jackles has scored the hottest ticket in town, to represent Tomb Raider Chronicles and Tomb Raider Forums at E3 2012 in Los Angeles where she will meet with Crystal Dynamics and demo Tomb Raider. Please use this thread to submit your questions.
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Old 25-05-12, 18:04   #2
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Who is the Voice Actress?


2. What would happen if this game was another AOD?
3. Are you scared of this game being another AOD?
4. Why is the voiceactress so horrible?
5. I mean seriously, why didn't you pick up a better posher one?
6. Why is the game so porny?
7. I mean seriously, my mom barged into my room while I was watching it thinking I was watching lesbian porn.
8. And the weirder part is, I saw my neighbour doing inappropriate things.
9. Okay moving on.
10. Will we have dual pistols?
11. Why are you being such hypocrites? You say you want realism, yet Lara is a freaking superwoman.
12. *hums Superman theme*
13. Oh, do you know this show Smallville? I love it. They should do the same for some other comic characters.
14. That's pretty much why the Wonder Woman pilot failed.¨
15. And the actress should've been tougher.
16. What was I talking about?
17. Oh yeah.
18. The injuries, will she meet a magical shaman that will heal her? Because wounds like her's don't freaking heal in a day.
19. Heh, this reminds me of a scrapped story from another game.
20. A game which ended the series until you came and raped it's dead body.
21. That was uncalled for.
22. But come on.
23. Will Roth-
24. How great is Will Smith? I mean, he doesn't age at all!
25. Will Roth betray Lara?

[reserved for further]

Last edited by NRO.; 30-05-12 at 16:43.
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Old 25-05-12, 18:06   #3
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1. I don't know what to ask! D:

I'll edit this post with questions!

Originally Posted by My Questions
1. Can Lara roll or crawl?

2. What role do evasive maneuvers and dodging play in the combat system? If any.

3. Manual grab option?

4. Can we dual-wield weapons/ items? Like a torch in one hand and an axe in the other?

5. Are there still no wall ledges aside from ladders?

6. How fast-paced are combat encounters? How much choice is there when it comes to strategy and choosing a play style?

7. How does Lara heal?

8. Is there a cover system? - LARA CAN DUCK BEHIND THINGS, YES!

9. How vicious are the enemies?

10. How relentlessly do the enemies pursue Lara after finding her? Will scavengers climb after you?

11. Are there different variations of ammunition for the bow? Such as a burning arrow? - BURNING ARROW CONFIRMED!

12. How many shots (bullets) does it take to kill an enemy, human or animal? - ANSWERED YALL!

13. Can we loot enemies? Do they drop items once dead or have their own inventory we can explore? If we can loot enemies, is it possible to do so while they are still alive, in stealth?

14. What happens to Lara in deep water? Like the ocean.

15. CD will you take on the challenge of open world in a sequel?

Last edited by larafan25; 05-06-12 at 03:06.
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Old 25-05-12, 18:07   #4
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How can I ask questions when I have no clue what will be shown?

Here's a general one:

What does the new combat system feel like?
Can you provide an example of a puzzle we'll see at one point in the game? (Besides the one we've already seen)
Are there relics that you can collect that help you gain XP?
How does slowing down/speeding up while in midair work? Midair steering as well.
How much in the way of platforming did you experience in your time with the demo?

Last edited by _Awestruck_; 03-06-12 at 22:51.
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Old 25-05-12, 18:08   #5
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Oh great.

  • Does the game supports DirectX11 for PC?
  • How is the upgrade of Lara's ability works? Can we able to upgrade like 'increase jump distance' or 'lifting heavier objects
  • Can we also be able to upgrade weapons as well? Like 'faster shooting', 'increase accuracy' or 'increase ammo capacity'?
  • Is Lara's carrying capacity limited? Can we be able to increase it?
  • Is the weapon capacity limited? Or we can carry as many as possible?
  • Is the ammo unlimited for any weapon? Or it is limited for all weapon?
  • Is the matchstick amount unlimited? Can we light a match with our own or it has to happen in a cinematic?
  • Does Lara needs to rest to get her strength back? And if yes then can we be able to chose when she need it?
  • How is the healing system works? Do we have to just click 'take medicine' and she automatically heals or it is in some unique way?
  • At the start of the Microsoft stage demo, we have seen the name 'Mountain Village'. That means there are multiple villages?
  • The XP we are getting in killing, does it earn more if we kill the enemy with less shot or with a head kill?
  • Is the wolf only animal Lara have to fight or there will be more animals? [I am not talking about Deer hunting though]

Last edited by lcroft_lc; 05-06-12 at 12:34.
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Old 25-05-12, 18:09   #6
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Questions! OMG, what to ask? D:


Question 1:
At one time, CD said that they planned on the game being around 10 hours in length. Are you guys still planning on a length of 10 hours, or has the delay made it possible for the game to be longer?

Last edited by skylark1121; 25-05-12 at 18:13.
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Old 25-05-12, 18:09   #7
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Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ View Post
How can I ask questions when I have no clue what will be shown?
That's what I was thinking too. I'm just not sure what we're supposed to be asking. Is questions about personal thoughts on the demo or what's actually seen in the demo or can it be both?
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Old 25-05-12, 18:10   #8
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- If you compare Lara's movements with Legend/Anniversary/Underworld, does it feel ''heavier'' or is it something like the same?

- Can you maybe tell something about the control scheme? Does it feel weirdly placed?

Edit: I'll edit later with more questions.

Last edited by xLara_Nathanx; 25-05-12 at 18:12.
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Old 25-05-12, 18:11   #9
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Reserving post for questions
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Old 25-05-12, 18:11   #10
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1. How many varieties of enemies can we expect?

2. Will Lara be able to perfom hand-to-hand combat without any weapon?

3. Will Lara be able to sprint?

Last edited by Lukass; 25-05-12 at 18:16.
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